Just four (not so) simple steps

Crane Brinton was a historian in France. He started teaching at Harvard 1923 and became a full professor at Harvard in 1942. During his time at Harvard he wrote his world famous book, “The Anatomy of Revolution” in 1938. In summary, he pretty much discovered a pattern between each of the revolutions and he compared a revolution to a disease. He organized the pattern into four different steps: Stage 1: incubation…

Just another math game

  Our class just finished the first math project of the year. The driving question was, “How do games use math to make them more complex, interesting and replayable”. The instructions were to create a card game that used basic math operations. We each designed our own card game, including, the rules, the value and the cards. These are my cards I created. They are pretty similar in design to…

Floor plans confuse me…

  Just recently, all the grade nines at Seycove had the opportunity to go to work with one of their parents. I decided to tag along with my dad. My dad is what you could call an architectural technologist which (in English) means that he designs buildings for clients.   My day started at 9:30(ish) am. I did a quick interview with my dad (Kelvin) who owns his own company…

The Story of the Polar Delf

About a month ago we were assigned the traditional plp project called Frankenstuffie. The project is humanities and science based. The humanities part was mostly all about the physical regions of canada and the science part was animal adaption and (for me) the nitrogen cycle. First read the Martian, this book is about an astronaut (Mark Watney) who is stranded on the unlivable planet, Mars. He is forced to think…