Science Unit 3: Chemistry

During this term in science we learned all about the periodic table and the elements within it.   Just like in the beginning of every term in science, we created a mind map of everything we now about the topic before we have been taught anything. And I obviously didn’t know much.   Then we began to take notes on: Covalent Bonds: the sharing of electrons between pairs or groups…

The First 1/2 of DI

Recognize Challenge Our assigned challenge was called drop zone. What we had to do was create a free standing structure that was less than 175 grams with materials such as cork, wood, fishing line, glue or rubber bands, this structure also had to have the strength to hold more than 120 pounds. Study the Rules Along with each challenge there came a book, this book educated us in each and…

MTV and SUV’s

Our class has been selected (by mr.gross) to take part in MTV’s Illest road trip of all time application. This challenge is potentially a show where groups of people are given $10,000 to plan an entertaining and eventful road trip for you and a group of people of your choice. The money we are given by MTV will go towards our vehicle and daily expenses. I chose to bring along,…