Transitional Presentation of Learning

I remember at the beginning of the school year Adlih and I were at the boot camp to set up our iPads, we were surrounded by grade 8’s and I remember I could barely keep up with what Mr. Hews was getting us to do and I thought, oh no this is gonna be a rough year. 


My first year plp taught me a lot about myself as a learner, I find it quite shocking how much I’ve changed as both a person and a student since the beginning of the school year. The first thing being that I found my strengths and weaknesses within my classes, I’ve learnt how to format my blog posts in a unique way and I will continue to, I learnt how to manage my time by creating calendars and lists for my self to keep myself from procrastination.

Frankenstuffie blog post (old)

I also learned how to deal with the fact that I’m constantly making new opinions and growing as a student and as a person, sometimes it’s hard to accept and it might seem like I’m indecisive but it’s something that happens naturally. 



The project that has come the closest to my standards so far this year is my WW1 comic book and same with the blog post I wrote about it. I’m extremely happy with how I took in all of the information that Ms. Maxwell gave us and I put it all into a great project.

It probably helped that I was interested in the topic of WW1 but there wasn’t any other time this year that I became that absorbed for an entire unit. 

WW1 Comic Book Blog Post

Another project that I’m really happy with is my polynomials and like terms project from math this year. I created a board game with three different levels in it, my blog post included pictures and description of all the steps I took to complete it.


Polynomials Blog Post


 My heritage minute video is a project that was a failure in my books, it’s really disappointing to think about it because my group and I had done a lot of research, we had a solid storyboard and script but by the time we got to filming, we  didn’t make much of an effort to create the best video we could.  

Heritage Minute Blog Post


 There’s three things that I learnt this year that will stick with me for the rest of my school career, number one being, even if you think you’ve done everything perfectly and there’s nothing to fix, ALWAYS revise your work. Number two is to try and spread your work out throughout the week instead of leaving everything for the weekend or even the day before its due. One another thing I’ve learned this year is that being “thrown into” something is the best way to learn, being able figure things out on your own is a strength that is needed for school and for life. 



#1. Constantly be an engaged student in class and at home

#2. Make a calendar with all of the due dates for every month 

#3. Be a leader more often

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