blog challenge: week 9

Inspired the powerful story of the Edu Blogs staff member, Alex, the self taught coder. We had the opportunity to do some coding ourselves. I visited a website called hour of code, where we had the opportunity to choose from tons of different games to code. The Challenge I tried the dance party game, the challenge was to make your avatar do an assortment of movements or dances, to a song…

blog challenge: week 8

In order to get into the holiday spirit, our edu blog challenge was to choose from 5 different holiday tasks. I decided to try the holiday emoji game. We got to choose from multiple personalizations such as our facial expressions and clothing. Once I chose the details of my emoji, I had to put all of them together in the right order to that each of the options were in…

blog challenge: week 7

This week of the blogging challenge was more laid back than the others, we had the opportunity to write about which ever topic we were interested in. I decided to write about axolotls. It is pronounced “ax-oh-lot-ul”, these little amphibians are apart of the salamander family. These small creatures are only found wild in the lakes of Xochimilco, Mexico, but are also pets all around the world. Wild axolotls are a…