Canadian Minority Podcast

Introduction of Project + Minorities in Canada  We began with the idea of what minorities are in general; then we evolved to brainstorming, what kinds of minorities we know of in Canada. This was the definition that we came up with: a relatively small group of people commonly with a small amount of power or representation. After we had a definition for this word, minority, we brainstormed the main minority…

DI Provincials 2019

If you haven’t read this years Regionals Post, then in order to understand this post, you should probably read that one first. If you have read my post linked above, then here is my experience with Destination Imagination Provincials 2019. My Groups Revisions  To anyone who saw my group’s Regionals presentation, it was obvious that our main, and biggest revision, would be our aircraft. Because most of our time to…

Telus, Bell, or Virgin Mobile?

How can we figure out which provider is best? Does one plan end up being more expensive than the other? In this project, we will be figuring this all out, as you saw in the title, we will be ussing examples from Telus, Bell, and Virgin Mobile. This is our driving question for the project: Constant rate of change is an esssential attribute of linear relations and has meaning in…

Flow Like Water

My Final Video  Unit End Mind Map Solve problems with persistence and a positive disposition + Apply flexible and strategic approaches to solve problems: While learning this unit, I took notes based on Mr. Gross’s lessons, as well as asking for support from my classmates. By educating myself with different strategies, I was able to find a system to solve the equations that worked best for me. Because I began…

DI Regionals 2019

What’s DI? As this is my second year in a row of taking part in this tournament, I’ve become a bit more familiar with what it’s all about. Briefly, Destination Imagination is a project in a sense, a project in which you are given a challenge from a category, my team was assigned the technical challenge. Within this challenge, you have a problem to solve, ours being, to create an…