No eating in the lab!


About a week ago I filmed a science project that i did with my friends Adlih and Luca.
We filmed it in about an hour and a half and edited it all the next day, it ended up turning out quite well. But of course, there are things I would’ve done differently. But before i talk about it any longer I’ll let you watch it.



So? What’d you think? Oscar worthy? Haha, just kidding.

Let me explain what I personally think about the turnout of our video.
So, we got pretty much all of our criteria down, we had different examples of lab safety scenarios, good lighting, the audio and our voices were normalized and we tried to be funny but we missed out on one very important component that should be apart of every video, can you guess? A story!

I think that our video really lacked a story structure and i think it would’ve been much more interesting and a lot easier to follow if it did. Almost all the other videos created by my classmates had a story to them, and i really wish that we had taken more time to do that.
Number two, i really wish that there was a lab somewhere that we could’ve filmed in because that would’ve gave more of a theme to the video. But of course I don’t know of any legit labs that we could’ve filmed in, but filming at Luca’s house instead of the school worked out great because the lighting is always good there.

What I learned in a nutshell is, no eating in the lab, don’t run away…just walk and to make sure to always wash your hands.

So to end this post, I really enjoyed filming this video and I’m really happy with the turnout, when I film my next video I will definitely think about the critique I gave our group in this post.


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