The Last Math Project of the Year

For the last math unit of the year, we completed a group project based on causation and correlation.

Driving Question: How are correlation and causation different?

I worked with Luca and Adlih to collect data and create a keynote to present to the class, first Adlih collected data for our causation part of our project. Her question was “Do plp students without keyboards take longer to write blog posts”, since everyone in our class is a plp student she collected 22 answers to our question to use as data.

Once she took her data and displayed it on a graph she found out that it takes students without keyboards one hour longer to write a blog post than students with keyboards. 

Next it was my turn to collect data, I was focusing on correlation, my question focused on “gas prices v.s college tuition”. I collected my data from different surveys that had already been completed and took the information and made my own charts.


In the end, I confirmed that both college tuition and gas prices from 1970 to 2010 correlate completely, even though they have nothing to do with each other.

Once we collected our data we presented it to our class in keynote form, I hope our presentation helped educate my class on the basics of corellation and causation.

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