blog challenge: week 3

For this weeks EDU blog challenge, we were asked to create a post based on non-copyright images and the options you have when adding media to your blog. Here, I will show you two options that I’ve used for my blog posts in the past. talking about taking pictures, how the quality matters + link to blog these were used in Taking Your Own Pictures Here are two different pictures of a…

MHTN Trailer

During our recent humanities unit, we kept in mind our driving question, how do authors use text to teach us more about ourselves? It was a broad question at first, but each and every assignment brought us closer and closer to our answer. In order to start our search for this answer, we had to use literature and filmmaking. First thing, we were assigned a book group along with a…

The Cove Cooking Network

The contrast between a regular video we do in PLP,  with the convenience of retaking shots and planning everything out compared the live event video we did recently, is tremendous.  On the filming day, Luca, Melika, Morgan and I all met up at Maggie’s house, we had all the ingredients needed, it was time to shoot. I set up a time lapse with my iPad and filmed all my b-roll…

Reykjavik’s Rules for Solar Panels

Recently in class, we have been working on a project called “Ideal Angles”. This project includes both mathematics and science, the driving question is, how can we use trigonometry to optimize clean energy technologies? In order to show our answer this question, we had to use our new found skills in trigonometry and solar panel knowledge to create an ethical house of our own.  In order to test which angle…

Project: Re-create

To begin our year of moving image this year, we focused on recreation and what that really means. It’s not about being influenced, its not about being inspired. It’s re-enacting something, recreating it, paying attention to each detail. During this unit, we re-created two separate videos. The first one was chosen by Ms.Willemse, we were split into groups of 3-4, my group included, Marshall and Jessie. The video we had…

Being Powerful Isn’t a Destination

Once our class was well-educated in the lives of the Canadian soldiers of world war one and all of the treacherous events that took place, we returned to our main focus from the beginning of the year, Canada’s history. The first focus of the course was, “who are the Metis”? This group of people began with the French Canadian fur traders, in the mid-1700’s when the number of fur resources where declining,…

The Last Math Project of the Year

For the last math unit of the year, we completed a group project based on causation and correlation. Driving Question: How are correlation and causation different? I worked with Luca and Adlih to collect data and create a keynote to present to the class, first Adlih collected data for our causation part of our project. Her question was “Do plp students without keyboards take longer to write blog posts”, since…