The First World War

Driving Question: How did WW1 impact Canada’s Identity? The Introduction  Our class was introduced to the topic of WW1 before spring break, we began the topic by asking different questions about the war, we had sheets on all of the desks in the classroom and walked around looking at them and writing questions on sticky notes. I did not know anything about world war one, in fact I didn’t know…

A Math Exercise for the Classroom

Introduction For this unit in math class we’ve learnt all about polynomials and like terms, let me explain: Like Terms A “like term” is simply a group of terms that are alike, yet the coefficient (the number in the term) can be different such as: And here’s some examples of terms that aren’t alike: As you can see, sometimes it’s obvious when terms aren’t alike and other times it isn’t,…

We Encountered Ottawa

Saturday April, 7th Our day started with our destination imagination provincial tournament, which you can hear more about on the blog post I wrote all about it. After our tournament we a had a couple of hours of free time to get food, I rushed away from the tournament in order to tend to a family event.  In the evening we regrouped at the jade canoe in the Vancouver airport,…

The Second 1/2 of DI

After you heard about our great success at the DI regionals in my first DI blog post, let me tell you about my experience at the DI provincials which were held at Johnston High School in Surrey. The first thing I want to say is, I think that provincials were pointless and I wish that DI had ended at regionals because I learnt everything I needed to know there, and…

Science Unit 3: Chemistry

During this term in science we learned all about the periodic table and the elements within it.   Just like in the beginning of every term in science, we created a mind map of everything we now about the topic before we have been taught anything. And I obviously didn’t know much.   Then we began to take notes on: Covalent Bonds: the sharing of electrons between pairs or groups…

The First 1/2 of DI

Recognize Challenge Our assigned challenge was called drop zone. What we had to do was create a free standing structure that was less than 175 grams with materials such as cork, wood, fishing line, glue or rubber bands, this structure also had to have the strength to hold more than 120 pounds. Study the Rules Along with each challenge there came a book, this book educated us in each and…

MTV and SUV’s

Our class has been selected (by mr.gross) to take part in MTV’s Illest road trip of all time application. This challenge is potentially a show where groups of people are given $10,000 to plan an entertaining and eventful road trip for you and a group of people of your choice. The money we are given by MTV will go towards our vehicle and daily expenses. I chose to bring along,…

Canadian History in 60 Seconds

For the past few months in humanities we’ve been learning all about Canadian history from the rebellions of 1837 to confederation in 1867. In this post I will be explaining a bit of our unit and our project. Confederation, what is it? Before the land above the United States became Canada, it was full of small colonies such as Newfoundland, Rupert’s Land, Montreal and so on. One day, a politician…


Since this is my first year in plp, this entire year has been full of new experiences, which have brought on many challenges, time management, staying focused in class while having an iPad in front of me and many more. My Failures and What I Learned From Them Off the top of my head the first thing I think of and what I learned from most was Star Wars, the…