MPOL 2019

How Have I Improved Since My Last MPOL? A couple of the goals I made for myself in ninth grade, one being time management and not letting school takeover. I believe recently with the help of time blocking, I’ve almost completely achieved my goal.  For the past couple of years in school, I have been struggling to find a way to keep track of my time, making sure I use the time I have…

Is it a Label or a Mindset?

  An Introduction Crazy, a word I’ve ought to have said about ten thousand times by now but here I am saying it again. From the very beginning of this unit I thought that the word crazy had many different meanings in different contexts, some of those contexts not being too cheerful. But over the duration of this unit, I realized that it wasn’t a dictionary definition we were looking…

The Polynomial Picnic

  Why picnic? Well, it had a nice ring to it, but this title also connects to Maggie and I’s new math game. During the time we had to complete this project we covered many topics and curricular competencies. Here is my unit mind map to show a couple of the topics. The basics of this project was based around the mathematical concept of using physical tiles to explain algebraic and…

blog challenge: week 10

After ten weeks of challenges and creations, I’ve been able to strengthen my skills in certain areas aswell as learning brand new skills. Aside from all of the challenges I completed, I really liked that I was able to connect with other students through my work. Until now my blog has been a website for my teachers to see but now I have had other kids from around the world…

blog challenge: week 9

Inspired the powerful story of the Edu Blogs staff member, Alex, the self taught coder. We had the opportunity to do some coding ourselves. I visited a website called hour of code, where we had the opportunity to choose from tons of different games to code. The Challenge I tried the dance party game, the challenge was to make your avatar do an assortment of movements or dances, to a song…

blog challenge: week 8

In order to get into the holiday spirit, our edu blog challenge was to choose from 5 different holiday tasks. I decided to try the holiday emoji game. We got to choose from multiple personalizations such as our facial expressions and clothing. Once I chose the details of my emoji, I had to put all of them together in the right order to that each of the options were in…

blog challenge: week 7

This week of the blogging challenge was more laid back than the others, we had the opportunity to write about which ever topic we were interested in. I decided to write about axolotls. It is pronounced “ax-oh-lot-ul”, these little amphibians are apart of the salamander family. These small creatures are only found wild in the lakes of Xochimilco, Mexico, but are also pets all around the world. Wild axolotls are a…

Cousins and Chromosomes

For our first solely science based project this year, we focused on the driving question, can cousins be twins? This question may seem a bit random but this topic goes hand in hand with our focus of gentectics and reproduction. As we do before every term we began with a unit start mind map, where we can express all of our prior information and questions before the unit begins.  Our task…