Being Powerful Isn’t a Destination

Once our class was well-educated in the lives of the Canadian soldiers of world war one and all of the treacherous events that took place, we returned to our main focus from the beginning of the year, Canada’s history. The first focus of the course was, “who are the Metis”? This group of people began with the French Canadian fur traders, in the mid-1700’s when the number of fur resources where declining,…

The Last Math Project of the Year

For the last math unit of the year, we completed a group project based on causation and correlation. Driving Question: How are correlation and causation different? I worked with Luca and Adlih to collect data and create a keynote to present to the class, first Adlih collected data for our causation part of our project. Her question was “Do plp students without keyboards take longer to write blog posts”, since…

The First World War

Driving Question: How did WW1 impact Canada’s Identity? The Introduction  Our class was introduced to the topic of WW1 before spring break, we began the topic by asking different questions about the war, we had sheets on all of the desks in the classroom and walked around looking at them and writing questions on sticky notes. I did not know anything about world war one, in fact I didn’t know…

A Math Exercise for the Classroom

Introduction For this unit in math class we’ve learnt all about polynomials and like terms, let me explain: Like Terms A “like term” is simply a group of terms that are alike, yet the coefficient (the number in the term) can be different such as: And here’s some examples of terms that aren’t alike: As you can see, sometimes it’s obvious when terms aren’t alike and other times it isn’t,…

We Encountered Ottawa

Saturday April, 7th Our day started with our destination imagination provincial tournament, which you can hear more about on the blog post I wrote all about it. After our tournament we a had a couple of hours of free time to get food, I rushed away from the tournament in order to tend to a family event.  In the evening we regrouped at the jade canoe in the Vancouver airport,…

The Second 1/2 of DI

After you heard about our great success at the DI regionals in my first DI blog post, let me tell you about my experience at the DI provincials which were held at Johnston High School in Surrey. The first thing I want to say is, I think that provincials were pointless and I wish that DI had ended at regionals because I learnt everything I needed to know there, and…

Science Unit 3: Chemistry

During this term in science we learned all about the periodic table and the elements within it.   Just like in the beginning of every term in science, we created a mind map of everything we now about the topic before we have been taught anything. And I obviously didn’t know much.   Then we began to take notes on: Covalent Bonds: the sharing of electrons between pairs or groups…