Over the past month or so, the PLP 8 class has been studying worldview and religion. A new unit means new groups, and mine was Grace, Jason, Nik, and myself. We started with learning about our worldview.

My Worldview

One of the first things we did when discovering worldview was visit the virtual kingdom of Isol. It was a ‘story’ on the IPad where we had to write the worldview of the place in 7 different categories. The categories were geography, time, beliefs, society, values, economy, and knowledge. Once we finished that it was on to the big project. We picked three of the categories and picked an important part of our worldview for each of them. Once we’d finished that we began to create explain everythings. My first draft was a little crazy to complete as majority of the time it was assigned I was away on a band trip. However I got it done with good feedback from the teachers. The next drafts were easier as I only had little things to fix or add.

Common Values Chart

Our next section of this unit was actually learning about the religions. We learnt about Aboriginal Spirituality, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Hinduism. To show what we’d learned we made a chart in which we would write down certain parts of each religion. This was called the Common Values Chart to identify the common values between religions.

Religion in the Real World

After we had “finished’ our chart the next stage was to pick a religion, in which we would learn about their worldview. My group chose Judaism, with only a few minor debates. We looked back at the 7 categories for worldview and split them up among ourselves to research. While we were doing some research in class, Ms. Willemse announced to all of us that we’d be visiting religious places in Vancouver and each group would present their information to a person there. Once the class heard this we all started freaking out. However once we were there it was actually really easy and we got a lot of good information.

The Infographic

With our new information about the religion we chose we created a MindNode about each category. Our next classes were spent learning about infograghics, as the next assignment was to create one for our religion. There was going to be one infographic per group. After learning about important parts of infographics we split up jobs at the start. My job was to find good font combinations and a good background. In class we decided that we were going to use a desert theme to represent moses’s travels. So I looked for pictures that had terrain to show it was a desert. However later on that changed due to critique.

While working on the infographic my group had quite a few communication struggles. I’ve always found group work easy and fun, but in this case it became difficult. Ideas got lost and control over the project was thrown around. People were getting frustrated with the communication, as some ideas were turned down. I’ve learned that it is so important, especially when making one product per group, to lose your ego. If you don’t take people saying no personally it makes everything so much easier.


Photos from the Field Studies