Alice’s essay

If you have seen my previous blog posts and know what PLP is you would know that its technology and project based. But recently with Mr. Featherstone in English/humanities we went the more traditional of writing and looking at essays. And since we were looking at fantasy and what draws us to imaginary worlds why not incorporate that into it? So our final essay was about Alice in wonderland and overall what draws us to imaginary worlds. Though we didn’t just jump in we started off with reading alice in wonderland as well as look at certain types of arguments that you can use. Next we looked at the essay structure and how you need a thesis and to have valuable points while not putting in your own opinion. This was all to create the final product of an essay that made sense and had a good structure. Though we had some tries before and tested out how things do and most importantly dont make sense.


So here is my final product:


What draws us to Imaginary worlds?
Isobel DeVille
Jan 27 2017
Block 7

Imagining a new world where anything can happen is one of the most amazing things and Lewis Carroll portrays that perfectly in his book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. But why do people love it so much, what draws them in? It could be there is something for everyone, a good vs evil story and to escape our world for a better one.

Though it may have been created for women so they could have a cute little story it has grown so much since then. Just as Lewis Carroll points out in Alice in wonderland “Lastly, she pictured to herself how this same little sister of hers would, in the after-time, be herself a grown woman; and how she would keep, through all her riper years, the simple and loving heart of her childhood”. But that quote also shows that its for all ages not just young children. Though people still seem to think its one genre of unicorns and rainbows but in reality it isn’t. There are steampunk stories, urban, comics, dark and much more. Fantasy can draw you in because it can give you exactly what you want in a way that other genres cant. It gives us the ability to picture ourselves in another persons shoes.

That last point ties into the Good vs Evil spectrum because we most likely can relate to it. Though it may be exaggerated in stories, we still see that we are similar or want to be like this hero. This quote I think shows what I mean “Get up!’ said the Queen, in a shrill, loud voice, and the three gardeners instantly jumped up, and began bowing to the King, the Queen, the royal children, and everybody else.”. Because if we are facing a bully at school or having trouble at home you can then be the hero. Since heroes struggle and go through tough times just like us therefor we can rise up above and win the battle. That the heroes show the struggle in plain daylight and that can relieve us from that stress and take it out on them. And its been like this for ever the hero comes and saves the day and repeats it forever so it gives us hope. Hope that things will get better and that we will find our way.

Finally it is to escape from this world and into another. A world where anything is possible and we have the possibilities of the everything and beyond. Which gives us immense possibilities whether it is flying or just having a friend. Also we can read or watch fantasy and it will help us from day to day. The reason for that is we can have similar but maybe not so extravagant encounters and think ” they did that so why not I do this?” And the final point is that anything can happen in somewhere you don’t know that you have the curiosity to explore. “Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field”
We can do anything if we set our mind to it and allow our selves to wonder what is beyond those so called “doors”.

Overall whether it is looking for something to do or imagining a world where everything is better it all comes back to fantasy. Where we can fly and dance with unicorns or we can live in a dark world where things just don’t seem to work until you have one key. Really fantasy is an important part of life that helps us from day to day to solve problems and help ourselves. Plus its also just fun, fun to live in a world where anything is possible. And as Alice says “So she sat on, with closed eyes, and half believed herself in Wonderland, though she knew she had but to open them again, and all would change to dull reality”.

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