Who’s at my table?

A week before spring break feels like just yesterday, but really it was a month ago! And that’s when we were assigned a project where we looked at if we were to have a company who our board of directors would be. That means CEO, advertising, supervisor and everyone else within the company. Also it could be anyone famous or non-famous, dead or alive and past, present or future so that gave me many choices as to whom I picked. And I came to the conlusion that Joseph Gordon, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Johnson, Frida Kahlo and Micheal J Fox would be best and here’s why.


Joseph-Gordon Levit
When you think of Joseph Gordon-Levit you most likely think of him as a famous actor. But what if he was a CEO for a large company? Well that would play out that since he is the director in his tv show/website called hit record he has experience. He would know what to do and be a good leader maybe even a great one. Why? Because he did has the company Hitrecord that looks at facts and problems in the world. So he knows the business side since he runs it and though it maybe a nonprofit organization he knows what he’s doing. Along with that he seems to be a people person so he could deal with people within the company and explain what to do. Overall he could be a great CEO if he had to or wanted to be.

Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn was a graceful and world renowned actor, a classic but what was she really like? Well in all the films she is generous and kind to everyone but still new what she wanted and supposedly that was what she was like in real life. That’s why she would be a great leader within a company in charge of communications. First because she wouldn’t be mean or rude to customers or workers rather she would be kind. Next is the fact that she has so much experience she could relate to people. And finally is that she new what she wanted and believed in causes and went for it so she wouldn’t let people get away with everything. So if in between Breakfast at Tiffanys and How to steal a Million she became a communications leader for a company she would be amazing.

Frida Kahlo
Haaving things happen in your life causes you to change and that’s what happened to Frida Kahlo and her art when she had so many things happen to her. And since she has this experience she would be a great head designer for a company. The reasons for that is that first thing she is an amazing artist and could instruct people and show them her art for inspiration. Also she has gone through everything from car crashes to realizing she can’t have children and everything in between so she would be very understanding to people within the company if things came up. And finally because she would draw people in with her designs for the company and be a great leader. And that’s why Frida Kahlo should have been a head designer for a company.

Micheal J Fox
If you already have a company and that experience you would know what you were doing becoming a campaign manager. That’s why Micheal J Fox would be a great campaign manager for a business. First as said before he already has an organization regarding Parkinson’s so he has the experience. Next he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease but he didn’t let that take him he kept going and that means that he would be a strong leader campaigning. And finally he has had so much experience with people from fans, acting and everyone else so he would know what people respond to and could use that being campaign manager. Those are the reasons why Micheal J Fox would be a great campaign manager in the future or past.

Katherine Johnson
Katherine Johnson was a mathematician for NASA but what if she weren’t? What if instead she was an advisor for a company? She would be great for a few reasons. The first being she is a very smart lady and would know what she was talking about whether it be people or numbers. Next she fought for her rights and got what she wanted so if she didn’t agree with something within the company she wouldn’t be afraid to tell the boss. And finally she has so much passion and experience that she would instruct people but not meanly but kindly and knowing what she wants. But whether she was a mathematician or an advisor she would be amazing at either job



So if I had a company and could chose anyone you now know what I would do!

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