Making Fantasy Real

In February we had an amazing experience of going to Florida and amazing places with in it. One of those places was Disney world, and not only Fantasy Land but also all of the other parks such as Animal Kingdom and Epcot. But why? Why would we go there what does it have to do with school? Well we were looking at what draws people to fantasy. And how its more then just magic though that does have a play into it. Really it is that you can escape our own world to go to another where the hero goes through something bad but then rises above it. That’s one of the reasons, because we can relate to it and thus have hope that we can rise past our trials if they can. So since we were looking into videos and how to make a good one this year what better way to combine the two then make a video.

For this we were assigned a ride in Disney world and then based it from there. Talking and showing the history of the ride and what specifically draws people to the ride. And out of Disney world there are many rides such as the safari ride or big thunder mountain and even splash mountain. And many of my classmates chose these rides but I chose something significant to Disney. Something that is at every park in one way or another. They feature it in many Disney films at the intro. That is Cinderellas Castle!

So I got Cinderellas castle which would be tricky just because it is so iconic. But I was up for the challenge! That meant doing storyboards and planning out what I was going to do before I got there. I tried to get it very descriptive before we left because I knew that once we got there and it turns out I was right. So here is a picture of my storyboard:

And though I may not have followed it exactly it was helpful to have.

Then once in Florida and Magic Kingdom was time for recording and actually getting the footage. That’s when I drag my friends around in order to get the right shots and good interviews. And I got lots while I was there just in case. I even recorded a play thing that happened in front of the castle for 20 minutes. And though it may have been excessive I just wanted to be sure, plus seeing the friendship festival was pretty great.

Here is the first draft of my video:

Once we got home it was then time to put this all together, and that took a while. Then finally I finished first draft. And then there was critique and it was very helpful because over the next few drafts it had improved dramatically

And then my 3rd draft:

Finally the time you have been waiting for, to see my final draft that this whole project was about, so here it is:

Overall I think that from the first draft to the final draft it improved dramatically. I found this a really interesting project and really enjoyed it. I think that’s partially because it was set at the happiest place on earth. So thanks for reading and until next time have a magical time!



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