Camp Capilano

To start off the year we began it with a bang by going to Camp Capilano. A retreat that was just for one night but felt like longer(in a good way). We did this as a team work exercise and to really get the whole class working as a whole. Plus it also allowed us to get a taste of what the rest of the year would be like since a couple of the mini projects we did were about podcasts and what we will be looking a lot at this year is podcasts.

Before leaving school we looked at a few different clips of TV show intros. Not knowing what it was for though we were just told to watch it and then pick a person (or couple) and describe them. For example we watched an intro clip to The Amazing Race and I chose to right about Megan and Courtney and how from just the five second clip I thought they were Adventurous, serious, up for anything and more. So still not sure what we were doing we hoped on the bus to go to Camp Capilano!


At the beginning once we got to the park we started off with having to create an intro to a reality tv show like we had seen before with ten characters in it and no audio except music. We did this in groups of five and had one hour to complete it. My group included SofiaWillRuby and Adam. At first it was hard to decide exactly on what type of intro we wanted to make but eventually chose to do a Kardashian type show. So with one hour on the clock we were off!

Our ten characters were:

Bif and Baf

We worked hard to get it done in the amount of time but looking back I realize that we could have prioritized better and have specific people doing a certain job rather then just sitting around. So without further a do here is our tv intro:


Next we then walked up to the actual camp and had lunch to then realize there was another project. With the same 5 people from our group before we were supposed to create a podcast that again had ten characters but this time it didn’t have to be a tv intro. We could change the characters and anything else if we wanted to. It had to be a minute long exactly and we only had one hour to complete this. So as we began talking about ideas we thought that we would still stay with the kardashian type story but this time it would be about a family and they would be talking within a household. We wanted to make this funny and improve on our task management from the previous project that we had recently completed. In order to do that we assigned each person to do a specific job. For example I was the Leader, Ruby did the music, Sofia, Will and Adam were in charge of the script while we were all giving ideas to each other. Overall for this project we really tried to improve on it from the last, since we all weren’t happy with how it turned out.

And finally the project that it had all been leading up to. We were given an assignment after dinner to create a podcast about something that makes up our identity. This time though instead of being with the same group as the previous projects we got to choose what three (or two) people who worked together. And different from the previous two we had to make it four minutes exactly also we had not an hour to complete it, but rather we had until 10:30 the next morning.  We were assigned this at 5:30-6ish and the teachers said that we could stay up all night if we had to if it was needed to complete this project. So once they said go with my group of Kate and Mimi we set off to create a podcast. We first decided on what story we should tell and what makes our identity. This took a while since there are so many ways we could have taken this but eventually we decided on two stories about our families and how certain events can change your life. By the morning we had finished but we admit that it wasn’t our best work. Everyone admired us put such personal stories out there but the actual recording of the podcast didn’t work out well. We recorded it in a bathroom because that was where it was quietest but in reality it wasn’t because it echoed, you could hear the fan in the background and the audio wasn’t even. So here is the good but could be improved podcast:

The whole point of this trip was to learn to work as a team and start the unit of podcasts. Overall I feel that we did both of those things. By the end of the trip I think that we all knew each other a little bit better and from last year there was a lot more communication going on which is a key part of PLP. Overall all three of these projects were really interesting and even though the following day I was exhausted I really did enjoy my time at camp capilano.

So until next time Camp Capilano!

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