Everyone has a story

Recently in class we have been working on a project called everyone has a story. We were to pair up with a grade twelve PLP student who would then be our DRI for the entire project. A DRI stands for directly responsible individual, my dri was Chloe. This whole project was based on Story Corps, a website that is about spreading peoples stories.

So the first thing we were to do was interview our grade 12 partners and turn it into a story. Me and my partner talked about many different ways we could take this podcast. Here was our first attempt at making the podcast.:

We made a joint decision though that this wasn’t really a good story, so we decided to choose a different aspect and story that Chloe had.

The next story that we had was a family podcast. At first I didn’t know what to do, since my family has multiple interesting stories. Finally though I decided to ask my grandfather about a story that I had heard a few times before but didn’t know the entire story. I figured then that this was a perfect opportunity. Here is what I came up with:

Recording this I was really interested and intrigued by all the facts that I was given and didn’t know about. Plus it also made me grateful for my family and made me realize how important family truly is.


The next and final podcast was about a random stranger and there story. The two previous stories were leading up to this one because our whole year is based around podcasts. Also this podcast would be done at our annual winter exhibition. Where all the PLP students present one thing or another. The grade 8’s and 9’s had blue sky about Star Wars, as I did in grade 8. So to get the stories we needed we didn’t simply interview them in the middle of the hall, but rather set up “recording rooms”. We were to be in pairs and make the room feel comfortable. This is what ours turned out to be like:

That night we were to get three stories and then take the best one. I got three interviews and two of them turned out good. I decided to go with one that I got from Janet Maxwell Russel, who is actually my teachers mum. Her story was really interesting and about being a teacher. Here is her story:

That was the final draft but before we got to that point I got this critique:

Comments From the Grade 12 TA’s:
– Lower audio on your voice is that it is the same as your interview person
– Storyline was great and your questions helped her to develop her story flow


Overall this was an interesting project and I know it will help me in the future since I will be making podcasts. Also it taught me about my family and some interesting facts I didn’t know.

So until next time!

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