Looking up into space

Recently in class we had the opportunity to look into space. Now that doesn’t mean simply looking up into the sky at night but rather in groups each researching a specific area, whether it was star life’s, the Big Bang theory and more. We started off this unit by first looking at an app called Star Chart that allows people to use there device to look around and actually see where the stars in our Galaxy are. I found this really interesting to see in real time what was right above our heads! We also then had to fill out a chart:

Then it was time for our main project. We were put into groups and at first I was partnered with Kate however we soon realized that she would not be here to finish the project so I switched groups to be with Izzy and Sydney. Our subject was star life cycle and I knew a little bit about this subject but not enough to give an informed answer. So learning about this project really helped me learn.

Our group decided to look into how the star life cycle relates back to Black Holes. I did not know anything about how these two topics relate to each other however by the end of the project I truly did. I learned that a black hole is actually one aspect of the star life cycle.

We then had to decide. How we wanted to present this project as part of the criteria was showing our project to the class. As a group we decided to create a slideshow and so without further ado here is that slideshow on star life cycles:

Star Life Cycle

Our group was the first to present to the class however our work was not done yet. We then had to create a mind map showing how everyone’s different topics relate to each other’s, here is mine:

After and during the process of this project we told our teacher what we wanted to be graded on. Meaning we could choose out of 6 topics and we had to choose four. Our group chose Evaluating and processing, applying and innovating and more. The five topics we chose I feel we were all able to succeed at. Overall this was a really interesting unit and I learned a lot about the star life cycle and how that relates to a Black Hole!

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