Are time machines real?

At this point in the year you probably realize that I am in coarse called PGP. This coarse at the beginning of the year was very confusing in the sense that I didn’t think it would be useful. However as the school year is coming to a close and I am looking back I realize that a lot of the information we learned would have been useful at the beginning of the year or even years ago. The one key aspect I wish I had known long ago is something that everyone thinks about but maybe doesn’t do. This is goals, from how to set them to actually doing what you said you wanted to accomplish. A goal is defined as “the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.” This does not mean that goals have to big (they can be if you want) but rather they can be as small as getting to school on time.

As this is PLP to show my learning I have created a video that expresses what I mean:


Now goal setting was a major part of this coarse however it was what I found most useful in my day to day life. Creating this video for example I had to set a goal and we did this in one way by filling out a pitch form causing myself to have to think and set a GOAL as to what I want to do. This was that pitch form:

Now this may not seem by in depth and I admit that it is not my best work. However I had an idea that I simply did not know how to put down on paper. Anyways, as you can see goal setting was one aspect of this coarse however we had two other major categories which were productivity and the seven habits. So how do goals relate to these two topics?

Well first I will talk about how goal setting related to productivity. Productivity is getting things done in an effective way. As Bruce Lee says:

‘If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done’

In order to set a goal and achieve it you have to be productive. One example that I learned through this coarse was time blocking. This was setting time to do certain things and sticking to that time for the most part. This keeps you on track and allows you to see how much time things actually take. So thanks to time blocking you can see how much time a goal will likely take and you can then fit that into your schedule.

The second aspect of PGP this year was the book 7 habits of high key effective teens by Sean Covey. This book goes in depth of seven habits that you will benefit from, I believe wether you are a teen or not. You learn about what the habit is and then there is a corresponding work book that helps you see how it applies to your life. The one habit that I am going to focus on in this post is Putting first things First which is habit three.

“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least”- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

This is the fact that you should prioritize the most important time and put things that aren’t useful after that. This is very useful because it is very easy to simply get distracted and wavy a show for an hour when you should be doing homework. Actually writing down how you spend your time makes you realize that put things that are important ahead of other things is so useful. This is useful for goal setting and achieving because when you have a goal that is important and you want to get done prioritizing what is important is a key point.

Overall the PGP coarse has been so useful in every aspect of my life and I know that I will continue to use these skills in my life now and forever. This coarse has also allowed me to think about what I want to do in the future and how I will achieve that. Though I still don’t know what I want to do after I graduate (which is closer then I think) I now have the skills to analyze steps that I will need to take and what I will need to prioritize in the time to come. So wether it be getting up in the morning or planning where I travel next I am going to put first things first and set a goal so that I can achieve anything!

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