What is a smart goal? Well this week in class we have been looking at what it means. SMART means:

S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Attainable
R: Relevant, Rigorous, Results Focused
T: Timely and Trackable

So based on this we had to do a few things the first being right a goal in ten words on something we would like to improve on in school. This was mine: I would like to improve my math and science grades. I chose that goal because i have always struggled with maintaining mu math sand sciences grades and for the future that is very important.

Now that goal was very wide and wasn’t very SMART so next we had to create three goals that were smart. Each goal had to be different one about learning in school, the next about character growth and the third about learning outside of school. After we figured those out and got it critiqued we then to record it and add visuals. Here Are my goals:

1. I would like to increase my grades by one grade level in my math this year because in previous years I have struggled with that. In order to accomplish this I will ask more questions during class and have my parents and friends help, this will help me to understand the concepts more and increase my grade level. I will be able to see this by seeing my marks and asking my teacher how I am doing. This will be difficult but I believe that if I try hard I will be able to accomplish this.

I chose this image because it shows that in term one I don’t understand math and rely on myself even if it makes no sense. Then in the second term it shows me asking questions and figuring it out which then ups my grade.


2. To be more comfortable expressing my opinions in group work and being confident in what i’m saying. To do that I will have my friends ask my opinion and speak up by being confident in what I’m saying. I will be able to see this by how much I contribute in a group conversation and how many ideas that are in a project. As well I can ask my parents how they think I’m doing, as well as my teachers after big projects.

This image shows what would happen if I spoke up and became more confident in my ideas. And that if in a group we each support each other the final project will be great!


3. My goal this year is to calm my nerves before I perform music in front of an audience. This will be difficult because I have struggled with it in the past but I can change that by becoming confident in my work and practicing before hand. Also by asking my parents to help me see if I am nervous and get them to help me calm down. To be able to see the improvement i will see if i am not as nervous before performing over a certain amount of time. Also by seeing if my performances improve over time because they say that when you perform you lose 30% of your playing ability so if I’m less nervous that percentage wont be so high.

And finally this picture shows my trumpet because I want to get rid of my nerves before i perform.


Overall this was an interesting project and it made me reflect on what I need to improve on and goals that are realistic. So until next time internet!


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