Archive of ‘Julius Caesar’ category

Act 3 Scene 1, First Take

A couple of weeks ago we started to read Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. We all thought that we wouldn’t like, and at the being it was true. But by the end it turned out to not be that bad. We started of just reading it in class, then we went on to worksheets and then finally a performance where we rewrote a part of the play then acted it out in groups. Our group decided to reenact act 3 scene 1 where Brutus stabs Caesar. We had to modernize it so my group chose to set it in a spy environment. In my group it was Mimi, Kate, Adam, Aiden and Ryan L. We worked pretty good together though there were a couple things that we got sidetracked on for instance a scarf I brought as a prop was called East-Van and we didn’t seem to get over that. Other then the scarf we did bring other props also such as sunglasses that we changed every time a person changed character because we didn’t have enough people to play just one character. Also we used fake knives to stab Caesar (Adam) when he dies. Over all it was pretty fun and interesting and I did learn at lot about Caesar.

Now here is the script comparison:

A bit of our script

A bit of our script


A bit of the original script

A bit of the original script

I think that we did a good job changing it over and performed it well now, here is us actually performing it. The first time it was pretty horrible but by the second we were masters at it.


So that was it thanks for watching and Bye For Now!


Who would kill Caesar?!

You might be wondering from the title of this post what I am talking about we’ll I will explain. In class we are learning about Julius Caesar and also Shakespeare so to do that we had to learn not just about Julius Caesar himself but also the people surrounding him. To accomplish that we were put in groups of 5 and assigned a person to research and then make a body biography which is basically an outline of a life size person with facts and pictures on it and then presenting it, so my group was assigned to Marcus Brutus. Here is a slideshow I made that explains it but just before you watch that you should now he was born in june 85 BC Rome, Roman Republic and died 23 October 42 BC (aged 43). Now here it is!



This is Marcus Brutus

This is Marcus Brutus


Thanks for watching until my next post.

Bye for Now!