Archive of ‘Sewing’ category

The Legend of the Polygonians

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In my last post I talked about making a quilt with a group about a myth. This myth was created by Willa, Ethan, Adam and me. Our myth was about the civilization of the Polygonians, a civilization that we made up. Along with the myth we had to create a quilt, so each of us picked a part of the story and had to create a quilt square about it. In the end we will be sewing them together to create a big cozy quilt. Now here is the story!

The finished quilt square

The finished quilt square

The first part of the story was done by Ethan this was the part where we meet Cordelia a girl from Astoria who doesn’t like it there because she thinks it is discriminatory and wants to go to Canada because she thinks Canadians aren’t discriminate but can’t leave USA. Meanwhile Poseidon the god sees leadership in her and wants her to create a civilization based around him. He telepathically tells her to go onto flight 19 the first plane to crash in the Bermuda Triangle so she can start a civilization.

That is where my quilt square comes in my part of the story is when she is on the plane. And there is a huge storm happening and Cordelia doesn’t know what is happening because Poseidon told her she was going to Canada. She crashes into the Bermuda Triangle where she is transforming into a Polygonian which is a goose/fish/beaver person and in the corner you can see Poseidon doing this.

The third part of the story was done by Adam this is where Cordelia is done her transformation and realizes that she has changed. She swims around for weeks discovering what she can do. With her is Kai the guy, he was on the plane when it crashed and was the only other person to survive. He transforms into a goose/fish/beaver person with Cordelia becauce she is going to start a civilization and needs him. After all of this and the weeks of swimming they finally find a beautiful island in the Bermuda Triangle.

And finally Willa finishes it off where Cordelia and Kai the guy create there civilization together. Passing on there history and values to there civilization. They also decided to call themselves the Polygonians because they are in the Bermuda Triangle. As time goes on they are remberd for this Legend of the Polygonians.

The End

My first draft Quilt Square

My first draft Quilt Square

(Look at my last post Ouch I Poked Myself if you want to now how we made that story and what we went through to get to this story.)

To make that we drew on our iPads using the app Paper, we then printed them out on fabric. It was really interesting how what you just drew on an iPad and it was now on fabric. We didn’t print it first time we drew but after a couple of drafts we got there.

Almost finished quilt square.

Almost finished quilt square.


We also had to do the actual sewing also. At first I had no idea what to sew but then it just started coming to me. First I did the border and then all the actual quilting inside. I did poke myself a couple of times but I’m okay.

Here is a video of making it.

Bye for Now



Ouch I Poked Myself

Recently we were learning about myths and how they are created and the heroes inside the story. So to tie in all of this our groups made a myth and hero. To finish that unit we have created a quilt through our group. Each member had to create a square and we are all going to put it together this week. Our group consists of four people. We had to make charts, storyboards and it was a very long process. Working together wasn’t the problem because we all had ideas and we put them into one myth and quilt. But, the real difficulty was that it had to be perfect and ours was good and now is pretty perfect but it took like 50 times to go through and even if one word was out of place we had to go back and change it. Now that took a couple classes and you might be wondering what this myth is about we’ll you will have to see in my next post.


1st draft of the story board.

1st draft of the story board.



Polygonian Storyboard

The final draft of our storyboard. Quit a difference from the first.




So you can see we put a lot of work into this myth and in my next post I will show the quilt itself and my quilt square.

So bye for now!