What is a smart goal? Well this week in class we have been looking at what it means. SMART means:

S: Specific
M: Measurable
A: Attainable
R: Relevant, Rigorous, Results Focused
T: Timely and Trackable

So based on this we had to do a few things the first being right a goal in ten words on something we would like to improve on in school. This was mine: I would like to improve my math and science grades. I chose that goal because i have always struggled with maintaining mu math sand sciences grades and for the future that is very important.

Now that goal was very wide and wasn’t very SMART so next we had to create three goals that were smart. Each goal had to be different one about learning in school, the next about character growth and the third about learning outside of school. After we figured those out and got it critiqued we then to record it and add visuals. Here Are my goals:

1. I would like to increase my grades by one grade level in my math this year because in previous years I have struggled with that. In order to accomplish this I will ask more questions during class and have my parents and friends help, this will help me to understand the concepts more and increase my grade level. I will be able to see this by seeing my marks and asking my teacher how I am doing. This will be difficult but I believe that if I try hard I will be able to accomplish this.

I chose this image because it shows that in term one I don’t understand math and rely on myself even if it makes no sense. Then in the second term it shows me asking questions and figuring it out which then ups my grade.


2. To be more comfortable expressing my opinions in group work and being confident in what i’m saying. To do that I will have my friends ask my opinion and speak up by being confident in what I’m saying. I will be able to see this by how much I contribute in a group conversation and how many ideas that are in a project. As well I can ask my parents how they think I’m doing, as well as my teachers after big projects.

This image shows what would happen if I spoke up and became more confident in my ideas. And that if in a group we each support each other the final project will be great!


3. My goal this year is to calm my nerves before I perform music in front of an audience. This will be difficult because I have struggled with it in the past but I can change that by becoming confident in my work and practicing before hand. Also by asking my parents to help me see if I am nervous and get them to help me calm down. To be able to see the improvement i will see if i am not as nervous before performing over a certain amount of time. Also by seeing if my performances improve over time because they say that when you perform you lose 30% of your playing ability so if I’m less nervous that percentage wont be so high.

And finally this picture shows my trumpet because I want to get rid of my nerves before i perform.


Overall this was an interesting project and it made me reflect on what I need to improve on and goals that are realistic. So until next time internet!


An eclipse to remember

August 21 will be a day to remember. But why? Well there was an eclipse that happened me only happens every few years. And not only that but it was the first in a 100 years to cover North America. What is an eclipse though? Well it’s when the moon is passing by amd covers the sun momentarily.

Here is the dictionary explanation:

1. The obscuration of the light of the moon by the intervention of the earth between it and the sun (lunar eclipse) or the obscuration of the light of the sun by the intervention of the moon between it and a point on the earth (solar eclipse)
2. A similar phenomenon with respect to any other planet and either its satellite or the sun.
3. The partial or complete interception of the light of one component of a binary star by the other.


To see a solar eclipse though you can’t just look up and see the sun disappear. If you did that you would seriously damage your eyes and your retnus. So you can get glasses to look up and see or there’s also other options and that’s what I did. What you can do is get a colander and hang it off your window so then it will project onto a surface and show crescents that get smaller as the moon covers the sun.

Overall this was an amazing experience and I was able to get a time lapse of all this. So here it is:

The Greatest Moments in History…But mostly the Canadian Ones

Here we are, the last blog post before summer and what better then to finish to off with a bang. So all throughout the year and especially lately in class we have been looking at history, as you know if you have been reading my blog for a while that we started of with revolutions and the history behind that where I looked at the American Revolution. But what better way to finish off the year then with some Canadian history.

We started off with looking at how people first came to Canada or formerly known as Upper and Lower Canada. And how the europeans came over and settled. That originally it was for the fur trade but then eventually people started to stay and that began Canada. We also learned that the Hudson Bay Company isn’t just a department store but rather it is a company that was sent to Canada to collect furs from the First Nations so they could then sell them. We then learned about how by doing this New France (now known as Quebec) was made. That they weren’t treated well and there culture nearly got taken away. To do with that in class we actually had to do a couple things. The First being making a video on New France and Jean Talon, so here is mine:

We also had to do a part two on New France in partnered or groups so I did it with my fellow classmates Mimi and Sofia. This time is was on the life and we made a pamphlet on it so here it is:

insert phamlet here

Next we learned about the Canadian Pacific Railway. And what I didn’t realize was how important this was to Canadian history and that it really joined the country together. Because it was what sealed the deal with British Columbia to join confederation since they were weary because the saw what happened with New France. Plus the CPR allowed people to travel around and goods to be sold easily. Though that’s not to say that it was amazing. There is a lot of conflict of this subject because people came from China to help build the railway but were treated terribly. And to learn more about this in class we were told to make a poster or speech to bring people to work on the CPR.

And it doesn’t end there, no we ended the year of learning about the gold rush. This is where we learned that there was a huge amount of gold in British Columbia in the 1850’s and since everyone wants money they all came here. It is now called the Caribou Gold Rush be as our that’s where the location was. But as with everything there is a boom and then a bust. Meaning that everyone came for gold and then it ran out and everyone left. And this left BC in quit a lot of debt, but what could they do? Well Canada was a country using confederation at this point and they weren’t part of it. They were offered it but were weary because they saw what could happen to the culture. Though Canada agreed to pay there debt, allow the cpr to go through BC and not take away there debt. And though there was controversy on this eventually BC decided to join confederation. And since we learned all of this it’s another mini project, this time it was if we were a miner or really anyone during the caribou gold rush and so here is mine:

But what else could we do to finish it off? Well today I will be showing you what I think is the most important part of Canadian history. We could choose from what we learned. Whether it be the gold rush, Canadian pacific Railway or even confederation. And since it is our post before school is out we were told to make some sort of media about why and then present it. So I chose to make a comic on Canadian confederation because I think that is what made Canada what it is today. And in this comic it explains what happens and how it really made up Canada. But why? Well I believe that this part of Canadian history shows how we joined together. That it wasn’t as simple and like other parts of the world that started through revolutions, which really molded Canada into what it is today. And if you want to learn more about confederation go to this Link because it really helped me. So without further ado here is my comic:

Overall it was interesting to learn about Canada and the history behind it even if it is still a very young country. And I especially liked the cultural aspect of it because the people that were affected from the First Nations, Métis or the Chinese they all have there stories and I love learning that. And so until next year PLP, happy summer!

(I will be posting throughout the summer on what I’m doing though)

The new and improved Tpol’s

Hello and welcome to the new and improved Tpol, and what is that? Well as you know at the end of each term we have SLC’s which is when the student being I present a presentation to our teachers and parents about what we have learned and such. And we have been doing this since grade eight and always with the same structure but this time around as everything is getting wrapped up its changed. They are now Transitional Presentation of Learning. Where we answer the question why should I be in the next grade level. So without further to do here is my presentation:

To start it of I will be talking about my growth as a learner. I feel that I have improved in all of my subjects just because I have been trying really hard this year. That shows in my math I think because I have never been good at math and I’m still not great at it but I have really tried. And that shows in the project we did called the game of life where we were given certain aspects of a life as we get older and then figur out the math behind it. Now at times it may have confused me but overall I did enjoy that project and hade a fun time learning from my mistakes.

I think that my growth as a learner is also shown humanities. The reason for that is I have really to listen and hand in work on time wth it also being at or above standard. And those this might not always be the case I try to make it the case. That is shown for humanities  in my video on New France and Jean Talon. Now this may not have been a huge project but I was proud of how it ended up and that’s how I want all my work to work out. To be that I am proud of it and I can get it in on time. And that is actually my goal for next year, to have the work that I do on time and above standard throughout the year.


What I am most proud of. Now this I have a couple of things because I have really tried hard this year but what I’m proud of the most is my video on Making Fantasy Real. I loved the experience of going to Florida and not only Disney world but just in general. Also I feel that it really improved from the first draft from the last draft.

Making Fantasy Real

Then there is the work that demonstrates just me in general as a student. Overall from last year to this year I think that I have improved and just generally become a better team player. For example just between Destination Imagination regionals and provincials. To prepare for regionals along with my teammates we had many arguments over what to do. That was from the disappearing to the script and what we could and could not say within the dialogue. And when we went we didn’t do amazing, I mean we got second out of two teams. But then once that was done we started preparing for provincials and though this may have had its ups and downs I feel that overall individually and as group we started to work together more and communicate better. Plus though we didn’t place at provincials I stil, feel that overall the quality of the work was a lot better and if we had a bit more time and looked over the little details a bit more we would have done amazing! And though in the past it’s been at times difficult to work in groups just because of the differing opinions and leadership roles I feel that I myself has improved to be more open and a lot of the time it works out better.

A New experience at Destination Imagination

Overall I feel that if you were look at me in September and now you would see that I’m not the same. That I have matured and am focusing hard on school and trying hard and that it has worked out for the most part. And though I may have a long way to go I want to keep trying and advance to grade ten so that eventually I can graduate and go on to do something though I’m not sure what yet. A thank you for watching or reading and if there are any questions feel free to ask, Thank You!

What do I Carry?

Recently in class we have been looking at what we each personally care. Now why would we do that? Well first of all it was a part of health & career so that we could reflect on who we are  and what we carry day to day. It was also about learning Keynote and how to use the app. Overall the project was about telling the class and creating a presentation about what we carried with us physically and mentally.

This was the criteria sheet we got:

After that it was up to us, we could decide what to do. We explain what we carry and why, which at first I was nervous about because it is quite a personal thing but then once I realized that I decided what I say it got better. It was actually really interesting to be able to think of what I carry.

And so here is my keynote on what I carry:

I used a repetitive point of view for my keynote presentation.

And if you can’t read the pictures the things I picked were below and why I chose them:

– Creativity: to think of new ideas and a form of creativity

– iPhone: allows me to communicate and use social media

– Independents: important to be yourself and not follow others

– My Bag: carries everything I need

– My Wallet: carries my money for food and shopping as well as my compass for getting around

– Reasoning: try to think of the outcomes and when I’m doing something if the outcome will be good

-Religion: I am a Jehovah’s Witness and to think of what my religion would do

– Experience: my experiences are what my life and memories are made up of, that includes traveling

– Family: they raised me and I am with them all the time so what would they say about what I’m doing

– Music: can effect your life hugely and is very important as well as the different genres, I also play 2 instruments that I very much enjoy

Overall I enjoyed this project because it allowed me to reflect on who I am and what I carry. And until the next project in health & career, bye for now!

A fairytale career

In maker we are looking at health & career and so far every week we have an assignment involving a certain project and subject. Last week we looked at healthy eating, this week it was our future and career. I have always had trouble with this, whenever someone asks what I want to be when I’m older I have no idea. I still have no idea but looking at the options this past week has given me an idea that there is so much and eventually I will find the right job. In order to get this far though we had to look at who we are, what we have already gone through and we can see ourselves going. So we made a timeline of our lives so far and we want to happen in the future.

I used the app Timeline to create this.

Next we looked at the website WorkBC a really helpful website that is about employees and employers looking for jobs. I took 3 quizzes one on my abilities, my work preferences and finally subjects quiz. This showed me that one I would be a good conductor/musician, that I would also be a good lab technician as well as an architect. I think that these are all really interesting fields of work and I would love to get the opportunity to try it one day but I’m not sure exactly what or when. On the work BC website there are also some really interesting articles for all sorts of aspects of the work force. And if you make an account you can save the arcticles and quizzes thus making a blueprint of jobs.

This is mine:

Also in class since we did a writing what being gifted means, a 100-150 paragraph on what you need to do in order to be gifted at something so I did mine on cycleing, here it is:

In order to be a “gifted” road biker you have to start with deciding. Deciding to become a cyclist means first of all getting a bike. Next you must start cycling, that means either ride to work or school. Even after work or twice a week cycling whether that is at a velodrome or on the road even in your garage on a trainer would be good. Then if you practice and try eventually you will be able to get to a point where your good at. Competing and going for longer harder rides show that you are then talented. And being talented means you are gifted. In conclusion that means that if you try hard enough and get good enough eventually you will be talented even if you don’t think so.

And all leading up to this was a iMovie on a fantasy of our future. The criteria was to create a two minute video on what we think our future will be. I used the apps iMovie and Explain Everything along with that I also used google to help find some images. We also had to have it start in Once upon a time and end in And they lived happily ever after. I enjoyed looking at this because it allowed me to reflect on what I had already done and what I want to do. So with out further to do here is my video.

Really this part of Health & Career I found really interesting because I never know what I’m going to be when I’m older. And this really helped steer me to an area of the workforce that I hadn’t even considered and that now that I see it, it will help me. Overall I really enjoyed this and recommend people to go on the website work BC since its really helpful. Anyway thanks for reading and until next bye!

You are what you eat

I love food. I think that food should be enjoyed and that everyone should have good food. Though when people think of food they enjoy or food in general it can be very unhealthy. From obesity to starvation there are many extremes in the area of food. But why?  What’s happening? And what are the factors and how can we help? Well we recently started health and career in class and right now we are looking at an aspect of health food. That leads into my next topic what’s the problem?

Well for one is animal products. That’s not to say that we shouldn’t eat animal products at all it has just gotten so extreme in the last decade even. Just look at the statistics if you need to see it in fact. Between 1950 and 2000 the world population doubled but meat consumption increased five fold. That means that we are going way past our means and we shouldn’t be. This was explained in a ted talk video by Mark Bittman. We had watched 4 ted talks in order to fully understand health and this was by far my favorite, the one I found the most interesting. The other videos were different though and still taught me a lot, for example there was a ted talks by AJ Jacobs that talked about how you shouldn’t go so extreme. He had said that for years he was trying to be as healthy as possible and it did have some benefits though that’s not to say that he could have been more balanced. That even though he had improved both physically and mentally it could have been improved. This is all said in his book drop dead healthy.

This made me realize that I am so lucky to live in an area of the world that has so many resources and yet we can take advantage of them. Meaning that now a days livestock is a problem from producing to much and people are getting more obese in certain areas while in other areas people are starving. I am now aware that I need to start thinking more about how what I eat not only effects me but as well as the whole world. Also that I should help the rest of the earth by helping people who are starving as well as decrease live stock. I think that’s possible for me because I already am a vegetarian which helps with one problem but I would like to help people. That might mean donating to organizations such as 30 project established by Ellen Gustafson who we watched a video on and is trying to change food problems. She said she loves food so I trust her. But she had this great point that when an area is hungry the country is insecure which makes sense.

So to draw what we each learned individually we made a portrait of ourselves out of food. We had gotten our inspiration from Giuseppe Arcimboldo a famous artist who is known for his pieces of art that were portraits of people made of fruit.

That was there’s and here is mine that I made out of food that I enjoy and eat:

Overall it was interesting to learn about how food is viewed all over the world. And that I am so lucky for what I have but I have to be careful because it could go south at any point. And next week you will be able to see another blog post on health & career.

The Return Of the Frankenstuffie

In both science and humanities we have been looking at geographic areas. And in humanities especially Canada. And since this is PLP we must make this into a project and more specifically a video since we have been looking at that all year. In order to do that we were assigned areas that we then had to look into more. I was assigned the innuition mountains, where it is super cold and there isn’t a lot around there. We had to also look into the animals around there because our project was to take an animal from that area and then create a problem that effects it and causes it to adapt, by physically changing. The problem would be caused by our math monsters which we made in math. (Here is my post on that).

An evil sparkle monster

But we had to have a base for all of this and a story behind it. So we made 8 epistolary stories which are basically episodes of the story where I chose the animal, the problems that cause it to change and the area which in my case was the innuition mountains. So here are my episodes so you can get a taste of it.

#1 Dear diary:
This is my first time writing in here, I don’t know why I am just suddenly starting but I am so I guess I should say my name. My name is Cleo and I am an arctic fox living in the Innuitian mountains more specifically 81°54’30″N and 75°01’30″W. I love living here in the cold and by cold I mean really cold since I live in the arctic region. Typically in January its -30 degrees Celsius, so that’s a cold long winter and short cool summers. But I’m fine with that since I can live in extremely cold areas, I actually depend on it. I even live in the snow since I am located in the mountains. And let me tell you there is lots of mountains since I live in the center of the region. I really like it here because there are no humans around me. I heard that in the north where my cousin lives there was a lot more people there but since its so cold right in the mild there aren’t a lot of humans coming through. There’s not even that many other animals other than me and couple of my friends. I mean there are polar bears, rabbits, arctic owls, seals, walruses and a few others but overall there aren’t a lot, speaking of which I’m starting to get hungry so I’m going to go catch a hare and maybe if I’m lucky even get a dead carcass that I can snack on.
#2 Dear diary:
Last time I wrote in here it was a week ago I think but I’m not sure. Anyway I just got back from howling to my friend who is also an arctic fox. He was saying that recently he heard others saying that there were a pack of wolves looking for us. And by looking for us I mean there hungry and were there dinner so now I’m going to have to be careful when I head outside to hunt for my dinner. Though around here it seems that everyone is just eating each other. Because I know that the hares that I eat try to find greens even though they are almost impossible to find around here because there aren’t a lot of trees. And then I eat the hares and wolves or polar bears eat me and polar bears eat wolves, so really polar bears are the only safe ones in the situation. But at least there aren’t lots of us around here otherwise I don’t know what it would be like. I guess others cant live here because its so cold around here. Anyway I should get to sleep its been a long day for me of hunting, howling to my friends and then this.
#3 Dear diary:
Since my last entry it seems that a lot has changed but I’m not sure why. Its starting to get a lot warmer then it should. And I’ve howled to others and no one else knows what’s going on but they feel it as well. Plus the snow is starting to melt as well and that really isn’t good because my home is getting washed away. There seems to have been no reason for this, I mean its only been a couple of days since I last wrote in here and already the snow is starting to melt at a very fast rate. Maybe its global warming but I don’t think it would happen this fast. What ever is happening its ruining the environment and creatures, even me in this area is have a very hard time surviving. There are a couple of reasons for that, one my home is melting its already gone actually so I have been sleeping on the dirt which feels like its burning me every time I stay still. Also food is very hard to hunt for now that I cant hide in the snow and sneak up on my prey, so I haven’t had a full meal yet today and that effects my energy as well. Who knows maybe even now that its warming up humans will start to come and that would be terrible for everyone living here already. But I guess I should go and look for some food even though it doesn’t seem look like i’ll be getting lots anytime soon. Anyway until next time and wish me luck to try and survive.
#4 Dear diary:
Today I was trying to find any food I could scavenge and I heard this loud stomping coming from somewhere. Then I got a glimpse at it and decided that it was best to hide because this could be something that was causing the area to heat up and had been eating all of us animals. I don’t know what it was but it was huge and surprisingly very cute. It had a big sparkly pink bow on its head and a cape on its back. And when I heard it talking to her self she said everything in a cute high pitched voice. So I guess that I should go tell the others that I know what it looked like and also see if there is some way that I can get it cool down or me warmup. Recently I don’t know how but I have cooled down a lot and am not as hot as I had been last week when this monster came here I guess.

Monster log #1:
I am just recording this now to say that I have traveled to a place which is freezing cold, I’m not sure how anyone survives. But since its so cold I have decided to make everything warmer. Maybe it will even bring some humans around so they can get rid of the other animals and I will have this whole place to myself. Anyway I’m hungry so I’m going to go eat a polar bear or two, maybe even one of those white fox things, I hear there really tasty.

Monster log #2:
Today there was this fox thing that attacked me and something really weird happened. So it came and snuck up on me from behind and actually really hurt my neck. Anyway once I flung it off of me and it passed out, it started changing into like a weird winged fox thing. It freaked me out so much that I just left so hopefully I will never have to see that thing again.

#5 Dear diary:
I don’t know what just happened but I know that I attacked the cute monster thing from the back and bit him and then he flew me off and knocked me out. I just woke up and I was look around when suddenly I realized two things, I was no longer so hot and was actually at at a normal temperature and second I have wings. I don’t know how or why but I have wings. I just tried to fly I guess and I crashed into a rock, but eventually I will get the hang of it. I wonder if other animals have changed as well. Maybe we can all fly now, I guess i’ll go find out…
Ok I know I had finished today’s entry but I have to say that I can now also swim underwater! Its so cool! I can also eat fish like I regularly do but now it will be a whole lot easier to catch them. Anyway I should go see everyone else and what we can do about this monster.

#6 Dear diary:
Today I think we got the monster to leave the Innuition Mountains! I had gathered up all the animals even the once that I usually snack on and we came up with a plan to get rid of it. Now as it turns out I was the only one that had transformed into something different but still we can take it. Anyway we are going to have me be bait and lead it to an old coal mine. We think this will work because coal is toxic and even if it doesn’t leave it will pass out and hopefully it will be so concentrated on me that it wont notice where its going. So I will lead it out and don’t worry i’ll be safe because I will be able to fly above. Well now we have to go and try and see if it works.

I just got back and figured I should probably say what happened. At first when I got there it wasn’t very interested in me but then as I started razzing it, it started to try to catch me. And did I mention that it is a very fast creature, a couple of times it nearly caught me. But I was able to get away and get it into the coal mine. It passed out at that point and hopefully it will get the point and leave. Though who knows if the temperature will change, but most have seemed to get used to it. I guess I should get to bed now though because its been a long day.
#7 Dear Diary:
Today we went back to the coal mine and the monster was gone thankfully, and hopefully it doesn’t come back because I’m not sure if we could take that, let alone the environment. If it were to heat up even more I’m not even sure if I could take it even with my changes. And recently a lot of the other animals have had trouble surviving. Because the smaller animals can’t find food which causes the larger animals like polar bears to not be able to find so really none of it is good. But I’m good because I can fly over and see where everyone is, without being caught but being able to come down when I want to get my food ( meaning rabbits now a days mostly). And did you know how beautiful the area is from above. You look down and see the ups and downs of the valley. The little snow that there is left is like art speaking of which I want to go see that view again, I love it.

Monster Log #3:
Yesterday I was just taking a nap, not really doing anything when there was this thing flying around me. When I opened my eyes I saw that it was that weird fox thing, at first I didn’t really want to deal with it so I just left it. But then it started yelling at me and saying things like “aw sparkles are you scared of me” that’s when I really got made. So I chased it and nearly caught it but then I fell into this black hole thing and I can’t rember the rest. When I woke up I left the place because who knows what they would do next. But I wanted to punish them so it is going to stay warm there forever maybe even ill get it to warm up even hotter. Anyway I’m heading somewhere else today not sure where but I’ll find somewhere.
#8 Dear Diary:
Now that the monster thing is gone things are starting to get in shape again. All the other animals didn’t change like I did which I find kind of weird but anyway, there adjusting ok. It is still quit a bit hotter so a lot of animals are struggling in that sense but it will turn out ok. I am going to go and see my cousin this afternoon and give him some food that I caught because he didn’t change either. I thought that all arctic fox’s would have changed but I guess since I battled the monster it changed me only. Anyway hopefully it starts to cool down because at the moment I don’t really have a proper home. I mean I guess I can now live in trees because I have these wings and my feet have kind of changed to these pointy like things. Though at the same time if the weather were to change back food wouldn’t be as easy to get. Because now that the snow has cleared everything is suddenly much more open and visible. And polar bears can’t fly so they can’t get me! I guess I should go give my cousin that food I said that I would give him, so until next time, Cleo the Arctic Fox.


So I took an arctic fox (that was my animal) and had it live day to day when all of a sudden it started getting warmer and then it figures out the monster is causing it. Then there is a fight and the fox adapts, but this is all explained in the video I made. In order to make the video though as usual we made a storyboard.

And all while this we were reading the Martian. A book that I found really interesting and loved reading. We read it because of the environment on mars. That they are so extreme and can range so differently. Overall reading the Martian was really helpful because it showed different environments and the writing was really good.

Anyway what you have been waiting for my first draft of my video:

And finally the final draft of my video which I think has improved greatly from the first draft:

Overall it was interesting to learn about Canada’s environment and I had fun making the frankenstuffie and math monster!


Making Fantasy Real

In February we had an amazing experience of going to Florida and amazing places with in it. One of those places was Disney world, and not only Fantasy Land but also all of the other parks such as Animal Kingdom and Epcot. But why? Why would we go there what does it have to do with school? Well we were looking at what draws people to fantasy. And how its more then just magic though that does have a play into it. Really it is that you can escape our own world to go to another where the hero goes through something bad but then rises above it. That’s one of the reasons, because we can relate to it and thus have hope that we can rise past our trials if they can. So since we were looking into videos and how to make a good one this year what better way to combine the two then make a video.

For this we were assigned a ride in Disney world and then based it from there. Talking and showing the history of the ride and what specifically draws people to the ride. And out of Disney world there are many rides such as the safari ride or big thunder mountain and even splash mountain. And many of my classmates chose these rides but I chose something significant to Disney. Something that is at every park in one way or another. They feature it in many Disney films at the intro. That is Cinderellas Castle!

So I got Cinderellas castle which would be tricky just because it is so iconic. But I was up for the challenge! That meant doing storyboards and planning out what I was going to do before I got there. I tried to get it very descriptive before we left because I knew that once we got there and it turns out I was right. So here is a picture of my storyboard:

And though I may not have followed it exactly it was helpful to have.

Then once in Florida and Magic Kingdom was time for recording and actually getting the footage. That’s when I drag my friends around in order to get the right shots and good interviews. And I got lots while I was there just in case. I even recorded a play thing that happened in front of the castle for 20 minutes. And though it may have been excessive I just wanted to be sure, plus seeing the friendship festival was pretty great.

Here is the first draft of my video:

Once we got home it was then time to put this all together, and that took a while. Then finally I finished first draft. And then there was critique and it was very helpful because over the next few drafts it had improved dramatically

And then my 3rd draft:

Finally the time you have been waiting for, to see my final draft that this whole project was about, so here it is:

Overall I think that from the first draft to the final draft it improved dramatically. I found this a really interesting project and really enjoyed it. I think that’s partially because it was set at the happiest place on earth. So thanks for reading and until next time have a magical time!




In science class recently we have been look at DNA. That means its purpose, its shape and what it is. And since this is PLP we did this in an interesting way. First we made a DNA cell out of average products. Using beads, pipe cleaners, macaroni and more. We did this in groups and I think ours did represent a DNA well by the way it looked.

Next we did a lab on strawberries DNA. This meant crushing a strawberry with dish soap, salt and water and then pouring it in a beaker with ethanol. This separated the DNA from the strawberry. Then we put it under a microscope and it was actually really interesting to see. And all during this experiment we filled a sheet about what was happening. And we didn’t do this individually I was with Angela and Tyler. This really just showed the complexity of DNA and how organisms are so complex!


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