Not going to lie I’m not really sure what to call these conferences. I have never done them before, and I have heard people call them TPOLS, SLC’s and MPOLS. Im pretty sure these ones are MPOLS. Anyway, it’s that time of year when PLP students participate in MPOLS. Basically MPOLS are for students to present to their teachers and parents work we have done throughout the year, and to demonstrate how they have grown as a learner in PLP, and how they can keep improving as a learner. I think it is important to measure how you have grown as a learner and how you can improve, because like anything there is always room for improvement.

The four PLP courses (humanities, maker, math and science) have all demonstrated how I have grown as a learner. In math and science I have learned new concepts and demonstrated my learning in my projects. For example the very first math project, I showed creativity as well as demonstrating the math involved with it.

Some evidence of work that I have shown hard work and I think it is the project I am most proud of is my History Week video. This was a partner project and Mimi and I worked really well together. In this project I branched out used Explain Everything instead of iMovie. This was good for me to be comfortable with using other apps, since every app has different features. I think from this project I proved that my editing skills have grown since I started PLP. I was very proud with the outcome of the video. Also the blog post to go a long with it I thought I did well with the structure of the post and I included links, photos and videos. At the start of the year my blog posts were not something I am too proud of. There was a big improvement from the History Week post and my very first post (Camp Capilano). I am more comfortable with writing posts, and I have a clearer understanding on what I should be including.

In PLP I have encountered times when I have been frustrated during projects. For our Sins of The City podcast I had fun but also I was pretty frustrated. Especially since we had to re-write our script around 3 times, and dedicated five hours at Starbucks one day to write our scripts that we then ended up having to re-do. I think if I was to do this group project again, I would make sure we could find more days that everyone could work on the project and this fits under time management. I think from having more practice with working in groups my time management skills have improved a lot. Now I will contact everyone in the group to find days people are around. This would benefit my group so that we had more time to work on the project outside of school. Even though it was pretty frustrating having to re-write and record the podcast, I learned how important it is to revise work, and there is always room to improve, and in the end I was happy with the end result. This goes to all projects I have done. Almost every project I have done my revisions to make it the best work I can.

As I said earlier there is always room for improvement, and there are projects/work that I am not too proud of. For example my first draft of the individual Sins of The City essay that we wrote, definitely wasn’t my best work. Something that I need to work on is essay writing. I can find it challenging to write a well structured essay, and it is a skill that will take practice to succeed. I guess a part of that is getting my ideas out of my head onto paper that will make sense. Also something that I need to work on is fully reading over any paper before handing it in. I may even have to read it out loud to catch all the errors. Writing a well structured essay will take a lot of practice but it is something to work on.

I think it’s fair to say that I have grown as a learner throughout this school year. I have shown growth throughout my blog posts to video skills. For me coming into PLP was definitely a good decision. The way we learn fits with my way of learning, visual and projects. This is my first year in PLP, which just shows that there is even more room to improve on and I think after more years with being in this program I will keep growing as a learner.

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