DI provincials sounds like a big deal? Not really even if you come last in regionals you go to provincials. It was a decent experience though, because two of Our Group members canceled out so it was just me and Jordyn lone rangers trying to win an event(not really).  My group was called two times the ginge two times better clearly not because we came fourth but that doesn’t matter what matters is we tried and we succeeded in our minds.


Our group was doing improv so didn’t matter as much that we only had two group members. The whole provincials was all a rush because the school that held it was massive and all the hallways had names, it all started with a speech about how great we are and how we exceed all other people. Then we went on to our instant challenge which failed, it harder than you think to stack baseballs on top of softballs with straws. Jordyn weren’t to confident after that but that’s ok because me Niklas and Kyle hid under a table and ate poutine and chicken fingers.

The performance: So Jordyn and I were scared out of or minds but that didn’t stop us from doing well. We concord the five person teams with just the two of us. We claimed new grounds, we also decided we are never doing DI again. Just kidding we have to do we don’t have a choice.



Here is a short clip of our performance because I couldn’t figure out how to imbead  it and it would not accept a long video.