The latest project we did in humanities is the World War One project. We worked on this for over a month of classes. We were not working on the main part of the project that whole time we were mostly learning the history of World War One.

Once we were well educated it was time for us to choose our topics, mine which you can probably tell from the title is The Second Battle of Ypres.

The final project was to create a video that you could show to the grade 6/7s from cove cliff but before we could do that we had to do research.

They format that helped for my research was the who, what, where, when, why, because it sparks the ideas and topics like why did it start then you oh yah because  so and so shot this guy then boom big battle.

Once we handed in our research we had to write a screen play and before this project I had no clue how to write a screen play so that was a cool new experience. I had very minimal research to write a three to four minute video and normal if you screen play is four pages it will be four minutes and mine was only two pages.


Then it was time to film so I did then it was time to edit so I edited and then who would of though my video was under two minutes and once we went to cove cliff I was almost embarrassed to show my video because of the minimal effort and time that went into it. You can judge for your self.

Thanks for watching/reading this post hope you enjoyed the rushed video.