Blue Sky Idea

 In the past few years I seen videos of an eagle stealing a baby, a bear chasing a mountain biker, and Kobe Bryant jumping over a speeding Aston Martin. Impressed by all of these viral videos I decided to look further into them. Each time I was disappointed to find they were fake. However this sparked a new interest of how they were made. These videos have me a little more skeptical every time I see a video of something impressive, including a YouTube channel called dude perfect. This channel posts videos of amazing sports stunts like throwing a football through a moving car window, or shooting a basketball through a hoop from the top of a control tower.

 Throughout the school year my favourite part of our projects was making the short movies, so I decided that I wanted my blue sky project to fit into that category. Next I needed something to make the video of and I thought about the fake viral videos, and the sports trick shots of Dude Perfect. I realized I could try my own fake video that could amaze people and what’s more amazing than a crazy trick shot.  

 My project will be making a fake sports trick video that is as believable as it is impressive. I will post the video and spread the link so people will actually see it then I’ll see what people think. I think that this project will challenge me because I have no experience with anything like this and I will be engaged throughout the process because of my liking for filming.  

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