Changing the Rap Game Like Laurier Changed Canada…..Check Me On SoundCloud


Once again I have decided to express my learning in the form of song alongside the great Zakaria . I realize I might be wearing out this style, but it is such a fun way to demonstrate what I’ve learned. When writing a song it has to involve some type of shape as far as telling a story, as well as rhyme in most cases. Both of these things are only possible if you have a rich understanding of the topic. Because of our extensive stuDYING of the Laurier Era in class, Zak and I were practically experts.

Because of all the ways we learned Wilfred Laurier helped shape Canada in his role as the great compromiser, we wondered what would’ve happened if he never became Prime Minister. With this question in mind we started to write lyrics. This proccess was quick as we were knowledgeable on the Laurier’s Era and his effect on Canada. For the most part we concluded that Laurier had a positive effect with his compromising ways as we agree with his decisions.

The song most specifically covers Laurier’s decisions in French and English schools, and Canada’s role during the Naval Crisis and how it kickstarted Canada’s reputation as an independent country.

Finally, you can expect to see the occasional song on my blog in the future seeing as we enjoy making them so much, probably more than you enjoy listening to them but that’s ok.

P.S this video is best while not taking us seriously.



He’s the 7th PM, He’s here to make amends
With the english and the french
Making them become friends

But what if laurier never rose to power
What if he was killed in a meteor shower

(Break Lyrics)
Or something like that I’m not really sure but the point is he never became pm.

Two nations collide
With no compromise
School systems demise
new problems arise
Yeah… Yeah

Laurier brought the people together as one
Made a plan had an action didnt stop till it was done
There was discrimination the teachers didn’t speak french
And without laurier it’s like the french got benched
People wouldn’t care about the cath-olic schools
this isn’t fair
No more catholic schools
They don’t care
English acting like tools
No more funding there
Save the catholic schools

And E-ventually they would just have enough
Conflict breaking out, showing who is tough

Without Laurier things would never be the same
Because he’s the person that brought about a change
Now while we can’t exactly say what would have happened

*break lyrics again*
We can definitely make an educated guess with all the info we have.

Britain asked Canada for money during the arms race, and join them in battle saying “please make haste”
But there was one man, knew this would be a waste, you know it was the great great man know as Wilfred Laurier, he had one thing to say it gave Canadians the identity that we have today
When Britain asked for naval funding he said no way, “instead we’ll have our own navy, do it our way”
We’ll fight for ourselves, be great someday
If there’s one thing you take home today, remember without Laurier we’d still be considered U.K.,
That’s not ok
We proved ourselves, we came to play,
Though we’re not as big as the U.S.A
Just wait until after Election Day
No condescending tones like back in the day, before the world met the great Wilfred Laurier.

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