Voting In Canada: The Privilege of a Right

It may come as a surprise to many that Canada used to be a nation full of discrimination. The right to vote that many take for granted today, was at one time only extended to rich white men. This is strange to think about because today Canada is known for its rich diversity. As Canada attracted new immigrants the percentage of “foreign” ethnic groups in the population increased. With strong numbers and determination these “minorities” we’re able to gain the right to vote through social movements. This story lies in Canada’s rich history, it tells over many many years how the right to vote went from a privelege to a right. Here is Michael and I’s explain everything telling this story:

To tell this piece of history through the magic of Explain Everything, Michael and I started by drawing out a storyboard:


Mchael and I worked well together, especially in the last work session (crunch time). Our only hiccup was to come up with a thesis. We struggled a little to narrow in on something relevant that wasn’t to broad or shallow. This was simply solved by Brainstorming back and forth. After that, I did most of the script and he did most of the animation. Our roles played to our strengths and I think it paid off in the end. We made for a good team and ended up with what I think is a solid explain everything.


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