A Goodmans Mind

604 Open your eyes and explore


June 2016

My very last SLC with PLP

Welcome to my SLC where I will talk about my last and most memorable year with the PLP program. This year felt like It flew by. We tackled many projects and learned many new things that will hopefully benefit me… Continue Reading →

Little Big Story Reflection

A couple projects that I recently completed were my little big stories. These projects directly connected with our south trip. For our little big story 1s we had to find something that showed resilience and was connected to the deep… Continue Reading →

Blue Sky Reflection

Recently we had yet another blue sky exhibition. I presented a design that was suppose to solve a problem in our community, and that it did. My project was driven by trying to find efficient way to carry my skateboard… Continue Reading →

The Deep South

It all started on an early morning when I woke up to the deadly sound of my alarm at 3 am. I rolled over on my side wanting to throw my phone against the wall to make the alarm stop…. Continue Reading →

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