Tpols Learning Portfolio

Grade 9 is almost over, and it’s time for another SLC, this time Tpols. The reason the name is different is because we have to give an argument of why we should be in grade 10, instead of the traditional SLC, where you simply talk about everything you think you did well, and not well.


I feel I have shown a lot of growth when it comes to work and being consistent with it, and being a learner. I have been a lot more improved with my work I feel, and the quality has been a lot higher. An example of this is my Epistolary Story, I feel like I put a lot of effort and time onto making it a very interesting, unique story that was different from the other students.


Growth Mindset

I feel like my growth mindset has improved over this year, as I have improved my problem solving skills, and the way I think about work and the things I do in my everyday life. I feel like this has improved a lot, and has helped me a lot throughout the year, and that’s why this is apart of it.

That’s the end of this blog post, I hope these help you understand that I deserve to be in grade 10. See ya 🙂

The Things I Carry Learning Portfolio

So, we recently had to make a keynote presentation on the things we carry for Health and Career, and we all had to talk about 10 things we carry, mentally and physically.

The things I chose for physical were my backpack, earbuds, iPad and music. I chose these because they were very impotant to me, and are very essential in my everyday life. My backpack is like the key to everything, my earbuds help me get the best quality out of what I am listening to, and music helps me focus and be more efficient. The final thing for the physical thing is my really good hand eye coordination, this helps with my writing and sports.

The things I chose for mental were my optimism, because it keeps me motivated and energized, my memories so I can remember great times, and remember that there are more to come. Next were my morals to help me think of other people and their perspectives, and whether what I am doing is right or wrong. Then there were my goals, to keep me more motivated and optimistic about the future.

We also had to include many different features for the keynote, like magic move and grouping. I used the magic move when talking about optimism, with the smiley face coming in from the right. The grouping was for everything inside the iPad, at the beginning. That’s the end of this blog post, see ya 🙂

Blue Sky Exhibition

So, another Blue Sky Exhibition. This time we had different groups for the demographics of our projects, so we could theme different areas based on that, and make it much easier to have a broad theme, and it would also mean that it is more relatable to the people that are coming to see the exhibition, as it is something they can understand.

My project was an iPad holder, designed for parents that kids are dropping there iPads a lot, and will reduce costs on if they would have to buy a new iPad. The iPad holder would sit on your chest, and you could adjust the height and position of it. I was in the tween section for this, because I felt only Tweens would be carrying there own iPad around, but would still have the risk of dropping it, as they are younger and maybe a little clumsier.

I had two prototypes set up, the second and third, which were the most interesting and intriguing, because of how different they were. I would have had the first one there, I just didn’t have it available at the time. The two prototypes were setup behind signs of the name of them, and there were also prices of materials that were on the side as well.
The feedback on how my project looked and was shown was very good, and a lot of people said that I was very creative, and thought it was a very good idea for Tweens.

Our section had a big chunk of the library taken up, including the big racetrack. We had pop music playing, as Tweens listen to pop music a lot. We also had a cool logo type thing on the board behind the racetrack, which looked like something Tweens would really like, and would have a poster of something with the same aesthetic as it. There was also a nerf shooting gallery set up close to where the toddler section was, which was also very much something Tweens would still do, and relate to. In fact, I saw some teens interacting to it, so if they were, then I’m sure Tweens definitely would.
Overall, I felt the section and projects really related to Tweens, and was very well put together.