Google’s Year in Review and why you should care.

Today we watched googles Year In Review and here are the things that I recognized, things that were new to me and my own “a year in review.”


Why should you go out and watch googles Year In Review? There are so many reasons that you should go and watch it. One of these reasons is that it is very thought provoking. This is because it has little snippets of all the major things that happend in 2016 so if you see something you don’t remember you can look back at it and learn something you maybe didn’t know.

Gene Wilder 1933-2016

Gene Wilder 1933-2016

There was so many different topics covered in the video so I will talk about some of the ones that I recognized, the ones that mean the most to me and the ones that I did not recognize.


One that I did recognized  instantly was the US election. There was so much media coverage of this huge event that divided the United States that it would have been not difficult to not know about it.

img_1473One that relates to me happened ‘across the pond’ with the coverage of Great Britain leaving the European Union. I remember this very well and the  effect that it had on me and my family because I am a immigrant from the UK.

One of the things I did not recognize was the space ship that landed on the platform in the ocean. After a bit of research I found out that this is Space X the new private space company that is breaking major ground they plan on colonizing Mars.


My Year In Review.

The year of 2016 was a really impressive year for me and my family. So many things happend; my dad bought a boat, I turned 13, we went on a number of vacations to Mexico and San Diego, both my grandparents and my uncle visited from Scotland, I got out of elementary and began my journey through high school in PLP.  Now I am really excited to see what 2017 has in store for me.img_2778