My blog post on growth mindset.
Last term in maker class we learned about growth mindset and how to apply it. I am going to write about what I learned, what we did and some of the things I would do differently next time.

While doing this course I learned all about how growth mindset works and how to apply it in school and other areas of my life. An example would be asking for feedback and improving from it and why we should not label our skills. We did many activities to learn these things so here are a few of them. First is my paragraph on someone with growth mindset. I wrote about Colonel Sanders who inspired me to think of failure as learning and below are some of the notes I made while working on the project.

We also made a selfie with a goal that we want to achieve this year. My objective is to be more directly focused on my work allowing me time to review and improve the quality to the best of my abilities.

If I could go back and change how I approached this term it would definitely be with a lot more effort, determination and planning.

I have made so many mistakes throughout the year but because of this course I definitely feel I have been improving in all areas by learning from those mistakes and not giving up! One of those mistakes gave me the opportunity to improve in math. I was not putting in the time required to succeed in math in the first term and as a result it reflected in my grades. I realized that I have to practice and review concepts more at home and in my learning assistance class as well as checking over answers in tests as many times as I can and now my marks are reflecting my learnings.

I have learned it is not about how far you fall rather it is about climbing back up and the falling, if thought of as learning is how you improve.

Now that I’ve told you all about my growth mindset learnings I want you to ask yourself: