For this blog post I am going to talk about someone who I look up to and is very influencial. For this person if I had to choose someone who I respect and someone who has had a major influence. Well I chose to right about Charles Darwin for many reasons. Personally I believe that he has had the biggest influence in how we see our selves and how we see animals. His theory of evolution has made such a difference and if it had never happened I think we would live in a very different world.

Charles Darwin was a English naturalist, biologist and geologist. He made many revolutionary discoveries before he died on the 19th of April 1882. Some of these included a few books and the theory of evolution.

I feel like he was influential for a few reasons but mostly because of his theory of the Branching Pattern of evolution which was related to something he called natural selection. These were revolutionary and have permanently altered the course of humanity. The idea that animals are here because certain ones evolved because certain traits benefited them more so they survived while others died off challenged the Christian religious reasoning that all animals where placed on the Earth by God. If you did not know the theory of evolution and natural selection revolve around a certain point this is of course the fact that overtime animals with better traits that make them more likely to survive because of differences in their genetics that alter them. One example is a species of moth that lives in London, it blends in to the white trees because of its colour then we have a branch off of these moths which are mostly coloured black then the indistrial revolution happens and the trees turn black so the birds pick off the white moths and the black moths survive and now make up the majority of the moth population. This video here helped me brush up on this subject.

Charles Darwin discovers this and many other things while on a five year voyage aboard the Beetle. He went all over the world getting to study many specimens and also his family. Charles talked about the problems of inbreeding and crossbreeding of animals and humans and how it affected their offspring and he was correct in how this is a problem and can make huge errors in the offsprings genes.

He made so many revelations in science and biology and I highly respect him for that because where would we be without them?