Throughout history people have created change and sometimes it creates tension. There are so many great examples of people making a controversial change at the time and it having a big effect. Think of people like Joan of Arc, a woman who led the French army to victory against the English during the 116 Years War even though she was later killed (because the French refused to pay ransom). This at the time was controversial because she was a woman and they didn’t normally lead army’s. Another great example would be Leonardo Da Vinci who had ideas that were way ahead of his time (people thought he was crazy). A final example that I will use would be Galileo he proved that the earth revolved around the sun but then everyone else didn’t accept it and beat him up until he renounced his work. This is some of what we have learned about in our recent project on why change creates tension in humanities. We have done many research sheets, guided notes and activities and now I will discuss it to you in this blog post.
More on how change creates tension here
One of the big things that I would like to talk about would have to be the notebook that we worked on. This notebook was all about a certain field that was revolutionized through the ages. We had four stages that we had to focus on the Middle Ages (400-1400), the Renaissance (1400-1700), the Industrial Era (1700-1900) and the Modern Day (1980- 2017). We were placed into groups of four to work on this project and I worked with Owen, Raina and Alivia. We were the agriculture group and I worked on the modern era. We did ours in book creator and you can read it here…
Or if you’re to lazy here are my pages.
We did many drafts each one improving upon the flaws of each one and we made sure that all of the pages had consistency with the other pages.
I think that we worked great as a team and really put in maximum effort and it shows. While making the book
Then on to part two of this project. For the second part we had the same groups as before and now we have the task of making a product that will revolutionize the field. We came up with (drumroll please)… The Tree Bot! We were looking for a very untouched field and we came up with fruit trees and how difficult picking fruit is so we decided to make a concept for a arm that grows inside the tree and picks the fruit for you. It is very far fetched but it could be a reality some day and that is what matters. We had to then make a pitch to sell this product to a company we chose John Deere so we modeled our pitch around that.
For both of projects I would like to thank my group because we all worked really hard to make this pitch and notebook and that will rap up this post.
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