This is my blog post on my T-pols, for this post I am going to be covering my growth as a learner throughout the year, some problems I have with how I have been performing and will also be providing examples of high quality work. These will all show how I am ready to move on into grade nine after summer vacation.
The first thing that I would like to discuss would be my progression in humanities and science. In these classes I have done so many interesting projects and I feel like I have progressed a bit throughout grade eight.

In science and math I have been doing many cool projects this year like studying earthquakes, solving equations and dissecting a sheep’s eye. From term one to term two I have seen an increase in my marks in tests and my grades. I don’t know what my marks are going to be for this term but I think that they will either have gotten better or stayed the same. I definitely think I have learned a lot through the year I have taken on challenging math and science concepts and I have managed to understand them to a certain extent. I definitely feel like I am ready to take on grade nine when it comes to science and math.

A before and after on my math marks

Now I am going to talk about my performance in humanities. In humanities I have done the bulk of my work and so I have the most examples when it comes to this subject. We have done so many things over the year from blog posts, to books and videos. I think I have presented work in almost every possible way this year and I am proud of the majority of it. Now I say majority because there have been times where I have not put in the best work I could have done. This is mostly because I was just tired (I do most of my work from 7:00 to 12:00) or I had multiple things on at once and this leads me to my next point that I am going to make and that is how. I am not organized. One of if not the biggest challenges that plague me throughout my time in grade 8 is my lack of planning and motivational skills. I made a goal to fix this problem last term and it has not improved I am trying to find a way to fix this but have had no success yet. However enough about that let me talk about some of the things that I have improved on in this class. The main one is the improvement overall of my work. I definitely think that the work I have been handing in, especially the blog posts have been a lot better. My blogs have been increasing in size and in my opinion are a lot better grammatically. These posts now always exceed the 500 word minimum but don’t hit the 1000 word cap instead they sit in between varying between subjects. Overall I think I have seen an increase in size and quality of my work and I think that I am ready to go into grade nine if I can get on top of my planning an motivational skills.

An advertisement from early in the year that we did in humanities


Now I will present some of my best work as well to provide more insight as well as to tick more boxes so I can increase the length of this post and meet more criteria.
For the piece of work that I am most proud of I would have to say Blue Sky!
I really enjoyed working on this project as I felt that I was really engaged and that I was successful in making a solution and then presenting that solution to an audience. The whole process was really long and had tons of work but it felt so good to get it off my back on Thursday. My problem was that my dog kept dragging dirt into my house so I fixed it by building The Dog Wash™! This device was three tubs that go in front of your back door. One was filled with sponges, one was filled with water and the other was filled with micro fibre towels. There was also a Timer operated fan so that you could custom tune it to when you wanted your dog to be washed!

I feel like I have also learned how to work in groups from all the group work we have done this year but mostly from Destination Imagination. In this project we managed to make it to Regionals and I think that me and my group did amazing on the instant challenges and our main project I don’t feel like I need to go into to much detail on this because I already have a blog post on this subject so you can go check that out.

Anyway I think this wraps up my presentation I have had a blast this year and I am looking forward to grade nine.