Recording a video is challenging enough by itself but for most of the videos we record in class we have time to re-shoot scenes and plan out lighting/audio quality. However, a few weeks ago we were challenged to record a live event and edit our footage into a video. This proved to be rather difficult and I had to go through a decently big learning curve to achieve a good final product.

Compared to the Recreation videos from earlier this year it was a drastically more difficult experience and it tested my video making skills. There were no re-shoots or scripts that were pre written so I had to improvise while I was recording.

For the first live event that I set out to record I went to a job fair by Parkgate to see if I could piece something together there. Problems soon arose with the actual popularity of the event and when I went to record a time lapse I realized that there wasnt really anyon there making the video kinda boring to watch. I also went to get an interview form the person who was organizing the event however there wasn’t enough time to actually finish it and I was not allowed to record said interview.

There wasn’t enough good footage for me to make a video of the job fair so I began to look for new events to visit. The next week there was a community cleanup at the vancouver aboriginal community policing centre so I decided to go and see if I could get anything out of it.

The video required a Timelapse, a photo with the Ken Burns effect, a slow motion shot and an interview. When it came to getting a timelpase I was unable to get a good one as we were constantly on the move going from street to street picking up trash. As for the Ken Burns effect, I was going to have one pan up to the front sign outside the center but it didn’t look good so I achieved a better looking version by having a video move in the same way that the phot would have. I did successfully achieve the other two with a slow motion shot of a garbage bag being put in a trash can and an interview with one of the participants.

I think that my second video turned out quite nicely and I also had a nice Saturday morning picking up garbage during the recording which made holding my iPad a bit difficult.