Science has always been one of my most favorite subjects in school and I plan to be a marine biologist when I grow up. But I already know about that topic so I’m going to research something else for this weeks challenge.

One topic in particular that has always held my curiosity is black holes. They are some of the most mysterious objects in the universe as we have no actual way of knowing what they are. With a gravitational pull that requires a speed of faster than light to escape (which we know isn’t possible) there is no real way of seeing what’s inside one without actually going over ones event horizon which would result in a relatively quick death for those who try it. Kurzgesagt did am excellent video covering what we know about black holes so far and their life cycle.

I will be revising a few of my older posts during the break we get for week seven so that I can look back on some previous entry’s and see if I can use what I have learned to better my future posts.