1. We all just got back from the provincial tournament for Destination Imagination. We went there with our supplies, growth mindset and positive attitudes. We left with new records, set trophies and medals in our hands and an amazing experience forever in our minds.

Our poster

I had a great time because we got to present the performance that my group and I had been working on for months. While we did not leave with a gold medal or trophies my group did set a new record for the Performance Learning Program.

The map prop that I made

Tamara, Luca, Owen, Marshal and I first performed our presentation which had a new script and a new topic for us to work around. Our new script had Canada and America working together to protect their west coasts from tsunamis. You can watch are presentation to see all about it.

The blueprints prop for our performance.

There was also an instant challenge which while we did not do the best in we had a pretty good time. Maybe the scores from that instant challenge had we done it better might have bumped us up a bit in the scoreboard in which we placed seventh.

I feel like we did a lot better in provincials for the instant challenge but better in regionals for the main challenge. That’s going to be it for this blog post.