This post includes two of the edublogs challenges in one as I need to do a bit of catching up in order to get back on track with the weekly challenges.

The first one I missed was number 3 and this was the images/ Creative Commons one. The educate others task looked the most interesting to me so I looked for a topic in which I had a decent amount of knowledge in already.

I have always had a big interest in marine biology and I have done a lot to try and expand my knowledge of the subject like volunteering at the aquarium this past summer. One of my favorite animals at the aquarium was in the tropics section and it is called the pig nosed turtle. It originated from northern Australia and southern New Guinea and has the unique feture compared to other freshwater turtles where it’s feet are flippers which resemble ocean turtles. It also has two nostrils that look like a pigs which cannot been seen in any other species of turtle. They are currently considered vulnerable for their conservation status and there has been very little research done on them.

The second one I missed was number 4 and this was the emoji challenge. I couldn’t really think of anything for the others so I decided to choose the math challenge.

Here is the question I thought of. It isn’t too complicated but I didn’t have much to work with because of having to use emojis.


I’ll let you try and figure it out yourself. You also need to make sure you answer it correctly as you can’t just put a number like 29 as the answer and it requires a little bit extra thought compared to a normal problem.

I don’t have too much time to work on this as week 6 is coming up and I need to get started on that.