
Hi there again. It’s your old friend Jason. In this post, I’ll be talking about something that happened a while ago, as most things do. That’s right. You guessed it. BlueSky.

If you don’t know what BlueSky is, don’t sweat. I’ll give you a quick explanation right here. So, BlueSky (Also called Genius Hour, 20% Time, etc.) was developed by the company 3M, and it’s pretty much when a company gives their employees some paid time to do whatever they want in hopes that it’ll benefit their company. This was later adapted by Google and Apple. This program has come up with some very well known inventions, such as the Post-it Note.

I could go on and on about BlueSky, and my experiences, and my prototypes, and all that stuff, but guess what? I wrote a BOOK! That’s right! So check out the link below to read up on that. I’ve written down pretty much everything I’ve written in this post, and more. You’ll find the LAUNCH cycle and how that worked out, my prototype process, and a lot more. Check it out!

Done reading? Nice. I hoped you enjoyed that. Well. That’s it. BlueSky was kind of the climax of everything I’ve learned in PLP throughout the years, or year. Revision, critique, teamwork, and much more. It really strengthened my skills I’ve learned throughout the year. I think the Star Wars Exhibition really helped me prepare for this, as I wasn’t nervous, nor was I timid and shy. I hope you enjoyed this post, and my book. Make sure to check out my other posts. Bye!

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