Lawsuit Protection 101

Hey y’all. It’s Jason and it’s your lucky day as it is now time for yet another Student Blogging Challenge post. This post is gonna be about one of the biggest issues about image usage: Copyright.

In this post, I’ll be covering how to use images that are protected from copyright and I’ll give you several ways to do so. Let’s get started.

#1: Using your own image

The easiest way to bypass copyright is just to use your own image. Take your own photo or draw your own image. For example, if you’re doing a post on the history of lights, then the easiest way is just to go and take a picture of the lights in your house for this post.

Perhaps you consider yourself a skilled artist (I am not). If you would like, another easy way is just to draw your own image.

#2: Creative Commons

Another option for people who aren’t the best at photography or art, try Creative Commons.


Creative Commons is pretty much non-copyrighted Google Images. Yeah. Mind blown, eh?

Using Creative Commons for images is incredibly powerful as it searches several different royalty free photo websites using your keywords. It’s my, go-to for image usage as I’m terrible at drawing and there’s nothing interesting for me to take pictures of unless I’m on a school trip.

Well, I guess that’s it. I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and more importantly, that you’ve learned something.

This is Jason, Signing off.

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