Who’s That Emoji?


Hello there people of the internet. I am the human known as Jason and today I’m back with another installation of the Student Blogging Challenge.

Today I’m going to be talking about emojis. That’s right. Everyone’s favourite picture-based keyboard.

Now, if you’ve read my posts, you’ll know that I do not use emojis very much. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever actually used an emoji in my blog ever. Well, today that’s all going to change, for I, Jason Guan, am going to post my first ever emoji into a blog post. Are you ready? Here we go!

Believe it or not, the laughing/crying emoji is actually the most commonly used emoji in the world. I know several people (including myself) who are prone to using this emoji. This emoji is also one of my favourites.

To get into the emoji spirit, I’ve created a little guessing game, kind of like charades, about famous movies. Please don’t cheat as that just ruins the game. I hope you enjoy!


Alright. Don’t forget to post your scores on either my video or this post. That’s all!

This is Jason Guan (or is it?), signing off.


  1. Hi Jason!
    I loved your emoji game. What a creative video and clever game.

    I hate to admit it, but I only got 5 out of 10 right! Ugh. I thought I would do better.

    How long did it take for you to make the video? And, what program/app did you use?

    Ms. Kast
    #STUBC commenter

    1. Hi Ms. Kast,

      Thanks for playing! I myself probably would have gotten less than 3 right if I hadn’t created it, so don’t worry about it too much.

      I used an app called Over to create the slides on my iPad, and iMovie to put the slides together, but it took painfully long just to line up the slides. In total, it probably took me about 2 or 3 hours to create the finished product.

      – Jason

      1. Wow! 2-3 hours! That is a long time, but the product looks fantastic. Very impressive.

        Thank you for responding! I have enjoyed looking at your blog.

        Ms. Kast
        #STUBC commenter

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