In my last post history for dummies I talked about all of the historical lenses that we use to analyze historical events. In this learning portfolio post I will be using these concepts to analyze 4 historical moments in my lifetime, which are my birth, my Atlanta baseball trip, getting my drivers license, my transition into grade 11. I made a magazine article about the historical moments. I have also made a podcast where I talk to my mother about my Atlanta baseball trip.

The first event I’ll be talking about is my brith. Although I don’t remember anything about it I talked to my mother who got front row seats of the action. My mom said I was a huge baby, she said I should’ve been a C section. My mom got to choose my birthday, so she picked July 1st, 2000 and that is when they induced me. This event was so significant because it brought me to the world. Since my sister was born 6 years before me, my parents weren’t as cautious with me as they were with my sister, since they had been through the routine. Although this did change their lives as they had to raise another kid. The evidence is quite clear as I am here writing this and my mother went through the pain of childbirth.

The second event I will be talking about is my trip to Atlanta for baseball. This trip changed my whole goals for the future, and what I wanted to do when I was older. I took this trip during spring break with the North Shore Twins. The cause and consequence was I got cut from the team, but since I had payed for the winter sessions I still went, and the coach ended up asking me if I wanted to go to Atlanta with the team. What’s significant about this event is that this was my first trip where I had to take care of myself for 10 days, and I really made a name for myself in the baseball world. For the evidence it lies in my memory and on the perfect game USA website. Perfect game is one of the highest elite showcases in the world, and I was really excited to be featured on their website.

The third event is getting my drivers license. Before I got my license I had to bus or either catch a ride from my mom or dad. This event was so significant because it gave me a lot more independence and I was able to do more things that I’d usually have to wait for. This changed my dedications and effort towards baseball as I can head to the gym or field whenever I need to without having to wait for a bus or my mother. This also changed my sleeping habits as I can sleep an hour longer since I don’t have to wake up for the bus ride to school. The evidence shows by primary sources as I have my drivers license and photos.

The fourth and last event I’ll be talking about is my transition into grade 11. Grade 11 was a significant year for me because that’s when I turned things around and started putting effort and dedication into my schoolwork. I was working on a job site at this guys house and his name was Wayne Van Dorp. He was an ex NHL player, and I remember he told me to get a good education because back than it didn’t matter that much. Now a days he is a garbage man, and he has a great humour about it because he’s still rich with a huge house. Because of that it has caused me to make a better effort in school so I can play baseball and have a good job. This evidence is a primary source as I have photos of my report cards from my grade 10 and 11 year.

Grade 10

Grade 11


My magazine article was based on a life magazine look, since it as about my life. So her is a closer look with Jayden Clayton

Here is my interview with my mother on my trip to Atlanta. Although she wasn’t there to encounter it she was always online looking at the progress and looking at the updates.

(Interview in the making)