Jayden's blog

bringing you the knowledge you need to know

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The Bluenose

From the late 1920s to the late 1930s was a tough time. The Great Depression took a toll out on everyone. Stock market crashes, people lost their money, they can’t pay the bank the money they borrowed. People are desperate,… Continue Reading →

Last week of school

School is coming to an end for the Christmas holidays. For PLP students, this means going all out to finish an outstanding final project. Our class has been learning about the Canadians identity before, after and during the First World… Continue Reading →

Breaking news

Coming to you live it’s the news team of Zakaria Rook, Michael Fourie, Michael Sutherland and myself Jayden Clayton bringing you the story of the Halifax explosion on the morning of December 6th, 1917. Our class topic was on the… Continue Reading →

The eyes of Albert Victor Seymour Nordheimer

This blog post was quite intriguing. Looking through all the of the soldiers that served our country and finding out the role they played in the war, what battle they were apart of. Looking for someone took me incredibly long… Continue Reading →

Manhattan project at Hanford

The Manhattan project at Hanford. Home of the b reactor, the first large-scale nuclear reactor ever built. For our field study our class took a trip to Hanford Washington to see the b reactor. Since I had tickets to a… Continue Reading →

How did it all start?

The cause of WWI may vary. Some people say it was the Balkans, others say it was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Here in Jayden’s blog we say it was the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente who started… Continue Reading →

The “plains” trains

First blog post of the year and it’s one too remember. Last year we learned about the CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway) and I was interested and wanted too look more in depth. I was very curious on why the railroads… Continue Reading →

Mission impossible

Mission 1:                                                                             … Continue Reading →

Attempt to succession 4

I just figured out what Im going to the weekend of the exhibition night and that was how the biomechanics of pitching help improve performance.Biomechanics is the study of the structure and function of biological systems by means of the… Continue Reading →

Attempt to succession 1

I’ve still been thinking about my a question for my blue sky project. I got an idea of a topic though. I’m thinking if doing something on baseball, dirt biking, or hunting. I’ve been thinking very hard this week about… Continue Reading →

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