Am I a Shark Tooth

Thus far in the metaphor machine project I think I have worked well, I have been the contributor of a lot of ideas and I have done my best to keep my group on track. Our group has done quite well on creating the timeline, (it’s very aesthetically pleasing) and our draft for our machine was obvious with the events but good. Getting some of my group members to work has been a struggle and some of the idea making process has been a little shabby, but once everybody gets on board it will be good. If I could change I would make it so that if you didn’t work enough you got booted from the group but other than that it’s a fun project so far. My goals individual and for the group are tho get the whole group working and on the same page, and to keep my own work ethic and passion for the project and not stop working, that sometimes happens but not this time. I will be laser sharp an focused on completing the goal, like a shark tooth. You could say I’m a shark tooth. 

Elizebethan Servants 

This was an interesting project, and it was well formatted. Everybody paired up and we all researched one topic about Elizebethan times. I got servants, and so we made a keynote on Elizebethan servants. We decided that we would need to research it, get pictures, create the slides and write a script, and I did the script and the research, and then we put it into a keynote that looked like this: Elizebethan Keynote  and then we presented it. Unfortunately I don’t have a video of that, but it went well. Overall this was a fun, well formatted, and informative and I really enjoyed doing it.

The Debate

I thought my work as an individual and my groups work were both outstanding. In the preparation stage our group was an idea machine, coming up with lots of ideas, most of them ultimately were canned but the best 6 got used well. When we were at the Safari Park we worked really hard to get interviews with workers, and got a lot of footage of animals, while this didn’t help us in our debate it will in the video portion of the project. Then the debate came, and we did well. Even though we lost I think we did well, first for their team was Jayden and he made some compelling points, but then for our team Gabi came up and rebutted and she did well though seemed a little nervous. Then Anatolia came up, and she made some good points and good rebuttals to Gabi’s points, she also seemed nervous. Then I came up and I thought I did pretty well, my points could’ve been stronger and more connected to Gabi’s, and my rebuttals could’ve been more thought out and thorough, but overall I think it went well. Then teva came up and spoke well, but he was very clingy to the idea of the San Diego zoo and how great it was, but he left a vital flaw in his argument, the fact that other zoos are bad and the San Diego zoo is one of the best in the world, and so all we needed to do was point out this fatal flaw, and go over our points and we win, and up comes Griffin to deliver that, and he doesn’t, he makes a couple off topic points and then steps down and we lose. It was a disappointing end and result, but overall I think I did well. Unfortunately there was no video documentation of my debate, but it was a fun event and I enjoyed doing it. I have to thank my teachers for thinking up this project and I hope we do another debate!