That was My project on the Cuban Revolution. It was very hard too make because everything kept getting deleted, and everything we made in California was basically unusable, but it was an interesting project. I just never want to do it again.
Month: May 2015
War of 1812
How My Teacher Demoralizes Me Pt. 3
My teacher is still trying to kill my ideas… it makes me sad. Our project is going great and we only have one more thing to figure out with just one more period left. We also need to spray paint it, but we’re practically done, and my teacher just continues to try and kill our vibe. I don’t know why but she’s just an anti-our project gun. Let’s hope she comes around because she’s really not being fun.
Into The Great Wide Open…? NOT!
Ah, the blue sky project, a project with endless potential and endless possibilities, you can do anything…that the teacher doesn’t reject of course, “too dangerous”…? PLEASE! I can make a fully functioning rocket with time to spare and at least 9 fingers left… But they said no so I’m creating an instrument, I started research and I’m going to create a woodwind, because I don’t have a forge to create a brass instrument. I’m not sure of some variables yet, but they will become clear, so until next time… JOEL OUT B****
How My Teacher Demoraizes Me Part 2
The building of our machine is really going well, aside from our teachers incessant doubting, we’re doing quite well and our machine is looking more and more like the architects blueprint every day! Some of the impossible ideas have gone by the wayside, but most of the ideas have been deemed at least possible and I don’t know why Petra is such a doubter. We’re doing well and I think this will be a great project.
How My Teacher Demoralizes Me
The planning stage of the project has gone well, we all made our own blueprints and then blended the good ones together into a rough draft that looks like it could work, I’m still working well and so I’d is my group for the most part, there’s still some arguing and yelling, but we’re on track and working well, even though Petra is doubting the hell out of us. Well who’s machine isn’t gonna work now ms willemse. Essentially the only part of the machine that is my group that’s not working, is the dictator of a leader (our teacher).