Spring SLC, Here Already

Spring SLC’s, how did we get here. Lots of work, lots of fun, and lots of learning, let’s talk about it. Firstly I’ll tell you about the thing I’m most proud of, it’s a representation of how golds value has changed, but no words. I’m so proud of this because I did it in a short amount of time, and it really gets the point across. Here’s the link if you want to see it.
Gold Rush Paper
Secondly I’m going to tell you about the thing I think shows the most growth, and it’s writing we did at the beginning of the year. We wrote a paragraph in 10 minutes, and my first to my lasti s a huge difference. You can see those here.
Writing Prompts
Thirdly, I’ll tell you about work I had a growth mindset for, and it’s a podcast we are currently doing. I hated the idea but am really enjoying doing it, read about that here.
And lastly, I pose a question to my teacher to see if they read these, why do we do one at the ends of term 2 and 3, why not at the end of all 3 terms? Why not split them evenly? Just something I wondered, thanks for reading! See you later!

Destination Imagination: Regionals

I like doing many things, and two of my favourite things are acting and music and I got to do both of those at something I’m very excited to do again, Destination Imagination. Destination imagination is a contest that is important for building critical thinking and many other skills. You get a challenge and have to complete with creativity and innovation.
Our challenge was to create a machine that could play a thirty second musical solo and hold as much weight as possible. As I am a musical person I was put in charge of the performance aspect, and as I read closer I realized that this was an entire show, not just a solo. We had to have an 8 minute performance that included setup and integrated the solo and the weighing testing of the instrument. It was tough at first, trying to come up with a story that everybody could get behind and wanted to do but after a while we found it.
The earth had been destroyed and one human had been sent out to an alien planet that was completely liveable except it had a little too much energy so they didn’t know how he would build. Fortunately when he got there aliens showed up to help him. They showed him how to build on the planet, after they left he got so bored, and so he built an instrument. He plays a solo and then dies because he used all of the trees on the instrument and then the aliens come back and decide that it looks strong and they test it.
The biggest challenge on the day of was actually getting it down to weight, it had to be 175 grams, which is so light, especially when it has to be 7.5 inches tall. So our team whittled and drilled it down to weight, only to be deducted all of the points you get for the weighing. We had illegal beads on it. Dumb technicalities.
It was an odd experience being there, because our teachers were the most intense there by a mile. The only people there that matched the intensity of my teachers were the check in people when we were 10 minutes late for check in and they were mad, and the elementary school teachers getting mad that we made a mess.
In the end I am very proud of how we did and excited for provincials. Here’s some pictures from regionals, see you later!


Growth Mindset: Podcast

Podcasting, I thought I would hate it, I told my friends I would hate it, I told my parents I would hate it… I don’t hate it! It’s incredible to me because I freakin hated this idea. A project just done by editing, but no, I love it! You hit about ten minutes in doing this and it’s full steam ahead? I’m just enthralled for about an hour just editing and improving and listening. It’s a very fun fascinating process that I surprisingly love. Currently I only have a draft, you can listen here. When it is done I will put the link here and give you the ability to listen to my final draft. Thanks for reading!