Hey y’all! It’s been a while since the last time I posted, hasn’t it? For this “unit” in humanities we did poetry. The reason I call it a “unit” is because we only spent a week on it, it was a speed unit. We did 1 or 2 poems a day for homework and a bunch of lessons during each block. There was a theme that runs through out the whole book, worldview, any worldview, mine yours, my dog’s, or even a certain religion’s. If you want to learn more about worldview, you can read about it in my “A Religious Worldview” post. And we thought we were done with worldview!

All of the different types of poems and poetry tool we learned about!

First we learned about similes and cliches and what they are and then we had to write a simile poem which is a poem that involves almost all of the lines being similes. The next type of poem/poetry tool we learned about was metaphors, we learned that they are quite similar to similes just a lot more direct. Then we had to write an extended metaphor poem. We wrote many other poems like personification, imagery, and sound poems. Once we had learned about all of these different types of poems, lots of different tools, and showed off our skills in our own poems, we put them all together in a poetry book. You can read it down below 👇👇

I have been doing a bit of research on poets and their poems and I think I have decided on two of my favorites. Lewis Carroll and Maya Angelou.

Maya Angelou writes poems about strong women, racism, and equality. She is very inspiring and her poems are very influential and make you think. This is my favorite poem by her:

Lewis Carrol writes fun poems that are engaging and funny. They keep you reading, plus he wrote one of my FAVORITE stories of all time, Alice in Wonderland! My favorite poem of his is Jaberwocky, it is a bit different and has a ton of nonsense words but I like it a lot:


Before this unit I actually found poetry a bit boring and felt like we were learning the same thing every year, but in this unit I was actually having fun because we were doing stuff in groups, as a class, and on our own. We got to reflect our learning in fun poems and then have a beautiful book to look at them in. I think this unit taught me a lot about my worldview and poetry, expanded it further.

~Jordyn 😁