*sniffle* It’s the end everybody. We have come to the finish line, the end of a long road where the the trees open up into a clearing. Or that is how it would happen in most stories. Not in mine. In mine it’s the same until the part when the trees open up into a beautiful clearing because what actually happens is a blanket of darkness drops over the whole forest and every one is sad. Ok, sorry. That was a little dark, but that’s how I feel now that…. THE STUDENT BLOGGING CHALLENGE IS OVER!! It’s a really sad time for me because I absolutely loved the challenge, but, there’s a bright side to everything, so, I think it’s time to look at some blogging stats, some highlights and lowlights, and of course, a reflection to make me feel better about what is happening.


I am going to create a visual for all of y’all out there because I am sure it is pretty boring for you guys to just look at some plain text as well as it isn boring for me to type out! So it’s time for a quick commercial break as I make my stat/info graphic/chart thingy for the amazing events that have happened in this challenge.

Ok! Here it is, I made it in Canva!

From looking at those numbers, you can already tell just how much knowledge I have gained about blogging and being a digital citizen over these past, ummmm, 2.5 months?? Sounds about right. I mean 8 posts can do that! And speaking of posts, I think it’s time to talk about some of my favourites and why.


First things first, let’s talk about my 3 favourite posts I did throughout the challenge. You will see a trending theme that that all take place closer to the end of the challenge and I’m not quite sure why but that’s just the way it is. So, first is my post called “What ology” which was the science week 6. Science is my favourite subject in school. My goal in life is to pursue a career in that field which would kind of explain my love for it, but it’s just so interesting!! You can learn about atoms and what we are made of, the human body, the environment around us, pretty much anything you could ever want to learn about. Ok maybe not “ever learn about” nut you get the idea. So of course, my love of animals was brought into this post and I think it really shone through and I hope it did because I really enjoyed writing it!

My second favourite one was the Celebration week 8. I mainly wrote about Christmas and it was just so fun to get into the mood and make a Christmas craft in a post I called “It’s the Holiday Season (the holiday season) Whoop-dee-doo!”, after the well-known Christmas song. The DIY Christmas ornament that my friend, Kiera, and I made is actually something that my family has been making for a while but we put one a twist on it and made it super colourful which was soooo much fun! Overall, that post just made me happy and excited for the Christmas season.

My third and final favourite was the choice week 7. I could write a post about whatever I wanted and I chose cooking/baking. I just took my first foods class this year at school and it has changed my life. I have never been a naturally good cook but I wouldn’t call myself horrible, it’s just a passion of mine that I wanted to show in a post with a few videos.


This Student Blogging challenge was the first one I had ever participated in. I had done many blog posts before but they were for school reflecting on the learning we had just done. This was a very new experience but an absolutely amazing one. I learned important skills like how to comment properly, how to find non-copyright images and how to code. I learned things I never would have known about like Zoology and emojis. I even discovered that posts can be fun by making a diy Christmas ornament and cooking for a few days. But compared to the connections I made, those are minuscule things. After a few posts I started getting tons of comments on my post and they were so kind and it really made me understand what the blogging challenge is for. It is to connect people from all over the world in a ways hat really shows off their personality and who they are, known as blogging. I really enjoyed this years student blogging challenge and can’t wait to participate in another. Thank you for these past 10 weeks of learning and knowledge and fun.

~ Signing off, your blogging friend, Jordyn